Politics Magazine

Welcome to Donald Trump’s America

Posted on the 21 March 2016 by Calvinthedog

Found on the Net:

I live in Tennessee in an upper middle class neighborhood and some of my neighbors now have trump signs and confederate flags in their yards. Literally every house with a Trump sign has a confederate flag. I am blown away. They are no longer ashamed of their racism. They wear it like a badge of honor. Nothing good can come from empowering the crazies and that is what Trump is doing for his own selfish gain. I now feel uneasy in my own neighborhood…

The people next door actually told me that they are waiting on the rapture and that Trump is God’s deliverer.  They went on to explain that God destroyed Haiti because “it wasn’t a Godly country.”  He is a pastor of a church with about two thousand members…

…The confederate flags were out in swarm when South Carolina took their Confederate swastika down. But they went back into hiding after about 4 weeks here.

I’m in very rural east TN and the open hatred for people of color around here truly shocked me. A lady I thought was my friend said she didn’t want to sing from a certain hymnal book because it was nigger music. Another woman who I thought was smart said she couldn’t bear the thought of those little nigger girls playing on the White House lawn when Obama got elected. I hear racist crap like this just standing in the grocery line.

I’m from Baltimore and raised in a family that fought against racism. As a child we went to Martin Luther King’s funeral. And my mother went around posing as the wife of a black man to expose redlining. So, I am horrified by these disgusting bigots, if I could get my money out of my farm, I would move.

Trump has seemed to reinvigorate these hideous people. They seem to think Trump is their savior and will get rid of anybody different from them. They think they are Christian, they think they are so put upon, they want to turn the US into Nazi Germany…

…I don’t know where your from or where you reside but I live in NE, a solidly red state in the middle of the bible belt. I hail from OK. Even more conservative. I’ve listened to the racial rhetoric and experienced the hatred all my life. For a long time, society managed to tamp it down, but now it has a national voice and people by the millions are flocking to it. This will not go away after the General Election. It is here to stay until, and unless we find a way to stomp it out and force these miscreants back under their rocks.

This is really starting to get scary. Good God, what have we unleashed?

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