Family Magazine

Weekly Wrap Up

By Sara Zwicker @SaraZwicker

Hey friends!  Happy Memorial Day!  I wanted to thank you all for the sweet comments on my last post, I can’t tell you how much it meant to me, so thank you.  As many of you know, last week could be summed up in four words: I’m glad it’s over.  It was a mentally and emotionally tough week for me.  I got my workouts in, which is good, but I just didn’t feel like my normal self.  I’m not beating myself up over it though, I’m accepting and embracing the suckiness of it and using it as motivating to kick next week’s butt!

Week 5/19-5/25

Monday: I did the T25 Cardio and Blogilates Victoria’s Secret Model Ab Workout in the morning.  I tried to run, got on the treadmill and only made it .25 miles and was done.  Mentally I was checked out at that point, so I got off and foam rolled.  In the afternoon I did the Strong Lifts 5×5 program before I took my regular lunchtime yoga class.  I wasn’t really feeling yoga as much as I normally do today, I have been under a lot of stress with a sick dog at home and I think that is weighing heavy on me right now.  I can usually push everything out of my mind for a yoga class, but I just couldn’t do it well today, but, alas, I got in a good workout physically, just not mentally.

Tuesday: Saying I really wasn’t into my workout this morning is an understatement.  I rarely feel this way, but I just didn’t want to work out.  BUT…I pushed through and did my T25 Total Body Conditioning video and then the Blogilates Slim Waist Cocktail Dress video.  I mentally wanted to get in a run, but physically, it just didn’t happen.  I don’t know why, but I just lacked the motivation to get out there and run today.

Wednesday: I worked from home because we had to take Morgan to the vet.  I slept in until 6:20 a.m., got to wake Ashton up and get him ready for daycare, which I LOVED and then did my T25 lower body video and that was it in the am.  In the evening, I did Blogilates 5 minute Ab Express and the What makes you bootyful butt challenge.

Thursday: I did my T25 Total body circuit video right before having a great hour long vinyasa yoga class before work.  After work I taught my Group Power class at the gym and it was awesome.  I started to feel like the week may be taking a turn for the better. Just goes to show you, a workout can help put things in perspective.

Friday:  I took Friday off for an extra long weekend, so I did my T25 Speed video and then T25 ab circuit video before heading to get my hair cut and my car inspected.  Not the most glamorous day off, but I did get to have a quiet lunch out with Robyn, which I can’t remember doing in forever, so it was actually pretty freaking great!

Saturday: We were running around all day long with Ashton, while I didn’t get a formal workout in, I didn’t stop all day long, running after him in the yard and at the park.

Sunday: Pretty much the same kind of day as Saturday, lots of outdoor playing and laughs. We also had a few friends over for a cookout on our new deck and had a blast.

Overall, the end of my week was pretty great and I am now leaving my “week of suck” behind.  I have a very busy week ahead of me, ending with a trip to Chicago at the end of the week!! I am hoping this week’s workouts have more force behind them and I hope to get in some running, which was clearly lacking this past week!


Question of the day

How are you celebrating Memorial Day?

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