Family Magazine

Weekly Wrap Up

By Sara Zwicker @SaraZwicker

Hey guys, long time no talk.  Sorry about that…last week got away from me after Monday and I am just finding time to sit down and chat with you guys now.  I only have about 30 minutes until my next meeting so let’s look at the Weekly Wrap Up shall we?

This is week 2 of my Fit Challenge….

Week of 3/6-3/12

Monday: Week 2, Day 1 of my 30 day challenge began with a warm up that could have been a workout by itself…think distance burpees, shuffles, cartwheels and sprints…3 rounds. I was a sweaty mess.  Then we moved to chest and quads. By the time we were done working legs, I wanted to die, but I had a 20 min HIIT run to complete. I was SO glad to be done with this workout.  It was so hard, but good at the same time. I know you guys know how that feels!  My hair is soaking wet!

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Tuesday: Day two began with an ab warm up, 3 rounds that took about 15-20 mins when all was said and done. There were russian twists, V sits, and planks…all good stuff.  Then we worked back and hamstrings. My lower back was feeling the back extensions let me tell you…wow!  I finished off with 15 minutes on the stair stepper at a level 12…again, a sweaty mess but it felt good. I was glad today in comparison to yesterday was a bit easier.

Wednesday: Same warm up as Monday then I hit shoulders, biceps and triceps- all super setting moves. I love the supersets, it makes the workout go by faster (at least in my head.) I did some moves I have never done before like a Cable Side Lateral Raise.  We had another tough round of glutes (the Stability Ball Glute Squeeze with leg separation was a KILLER.) This was a LONG workout and I didn’t have time to finish the cardio before getting into work so after I put Ashton to bed, I headed down to my treadmill to bang out a 20 minute HIIT run. I did my max speed (9.0) at a 10% incline for 30 seconds, then recovered for 90 seconds.  It doesn’t seem like much, but after the leg workout, those 30 seconds felt like a lifetime and the recovery felt like a blink of an eye.

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Thursday: Same ab circuit warm up as Tuesday and then the focus was on chest and quads with a lot of barbell and dumbell work–all supersetting again followed by a 15 minute run. This workout felt relatively easy compared to the rest of the workouts so far this week.  Famous last words right?

Friday: We had the same warm up as Monday/Wednesday and then focused on back and hamstrings again. You would have thought this would have been easier the second time around, but you would be wrong! HA! I was totally feeling it and then finished with another HIIT hill interval run for 20 minutes. I was SO happy to be done!

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I didn’t have my egg whites for breakfast so I ran down to our work cafeteria to get some egg whites and this is what I was faced with.

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I am not even a donut fan, but those oreo donuts in the back looked SO DIVINE.  Of course, I just stared and drooled while I got my egg whites and went back up to my office.  Man, it’s amazing how much you want things you don’t even normally like just because you know you can’t have them!

Saturday: I didn’t get up early like I had wanted to on Saturday and we had sports camp for Ashton early in the morning.  It was pretty nice outside (in the 50’s) so we took a long hike before lunch and it was SO NICE to get outside!!  I am hopeful Spring is here to stay!  Once Ashton went down for nap, I did my scheduled workout.  It was probably a good thing I didn’t try and do it earlier in the morning since it took me almost 2 hours to do the workout and shower! I started with the ab circuit as a warm up and then lifted shoulders, bis and tris, all super set moves.  Then, the glute workout began with 100 squats, 100 reverse lunges, 100 dumbbell lying glute raises (these KILLED), 100 weighted dumbbell donkey kicks and then 100 lying body weight side kicks.  The thought of having to run after this nearly did me in, but I got it done.  I finished strong with 15 minutes of running at an 8:03 pace.

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I think I’m getting stronger since that pace didn’t feel too hard to me at all.  It could have just been that it was only 15 minutes too, who knows?  After Ashton woke up we took him to see the movie Home.  It was pretty cute and then we went out to dinner.  All in all, a perfect Saturday with my boys!

Sunday: A day of rest.  We went grocery shopping in the morning and then I had my nieces confirmation in the late afternoon/evening so I did all my food prep during Ashton’s nap and then spent the rest of the day in church and then out for dinner.  Trying to eat out when you are on a specific meal plan is NOT easy, let me tell you, but I did well so I’m giving myself a pat on the back.

So, there you have it folks, the Weekly Wrap Up!  I am still enjoying this challenge.  The food aspect is getting much easier, it’s just the dinners that have been the hardest for me.  Watching Robyn and Ashton eating food I’d rather be eating is tough, but I am staying strong.  I really like that the warm ups rotate every other day, it makes it easier than having to learn a whole new warm up everyday and gives a feeling of slight consistency.  These workouts overall are HARD. I am pushing myself harder with weight lifting than I have ever before, doing moves I have never heard of and in general just feeling stronger (and so very tired at the end of the day.)  Another bonus is that I am sleeping like a baby, likely because I am so exhausted by the time my head hits the pillow. This is NOT normal for me, so I really like it!


Let’s see how this week goes!  Knowing that I am half way through feels good!


Have a great day friends and I will see you on Wednesday!


Question of the day

How was your week? Weekend? Did you have great weather too?

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