Hey friends, Happy Monday! I hope you all had a great Easter weekend (if you celebrate)! We had an amazing weekend and to top it off, I didn’t work at all over the weekend, so I am feeling refreshed this morning! I just finished the first week of my 30 day Cristelli Fit Challenge, so, let’s take a look at last week in the Weekly Wrap Up!
Week: 3/30-4/5
Monday: Day 1 of the challenge, I was ready to rock! Every workout starts with a 15 or so minute warm up circuit, then I moved on to lift chest and triceps then glutes. Every workout is finished off with 20 minutes of intense HIIT cardio. We have 3 options to choose from, I chose to do 1 minute speed intervals. The meals seemed HUGE and frequent, but I tracked everything in Myfitnesspal and they are not excessive at all, I am right where I normally am for calorie intake, but with just a lot more (clean) food and no sweets at all. My protein intake is off the charts at just under 200 grams a day. Maybe that is why I feel so freaking full all the time!
Tuesday: Day 2 I wasn’t sore which I took as a good sign. I did my warm up circuit that was all abs then worked my lower body. This took me over an hour so I had to go back to the gym during lunch and finish the workout, which was HIIT cardio for 20 mins. This time I did hill sprints, these are NO JOKE! Food choices are exactly the same everyday this week so I know what to expect. I missed a snack today though because of my meeting schedule–oops!
Wednesday: Still feeling great! I did my warm up circuit–it’s funny, these warm ups sometimes are REALLY tough and you are super sweaty, not like a typical warm up for me! HA! After the warm up, I lifted back and biceps then glutes. Again, these workouts take WAY longer than I have time for in the morning so I did the HIIT cardio for 20 mins at night after I put Ashton to bed.
Thursday: I started my workout with the warm up circuit then shredded my shoulders and finished with some HIIT cardio for 20 mins. I just barely got the whole workout in and I was moving. No rest in between sets and was a few minutes late for work so I wouldn’t have to do anything later or in the evening. The repetitive food during the day doesn’t bother me one bit, the same dinner every night, especially while watching Robyn and Ash eat super yummy food is getting old.
Friday: Almost through week one! I did my warm up circuit, then hit my lower body minus calves then finished with HIIT cardio for 20 mins. Again, I barely made it through the whole workout before work but I got it done. I hate feeling super rushed at the gym, but it is what it is. This is only a 30 day challenge, I have to keep reminding myself of that!
In the evening, Robyn and I went out for dinner alone, a rarity for us. While I hated having to stray from my strict eating plan (I am generally a rule follower), let’s be honest, life happens and spending a few hours out with my husband alone is going to trump some grilled chicken, brown rice and broccoli any night of the week. We went out for sushi so I ate clean anyways with some (cooked) fish, rice and veggies, so it wasn’t anything too off track with my meal plan at all and it was worth it. We had such a great time just being able to sit across from each other and really talk without any distractions.
Saturday: I woke up early thinking I would get my workout in before Ashton work up, but he decided to wake up early too! Isn’t that always the way? Robyn and Ashton played around while I did my thing. I warmed up with an ab circuit, then lifted biceps, triceps and calves. I then did the glute workout (every exercise for 100 reps–it was CRAZY!) and then finished off with 20 mins of HIIT cardio. I was so happy when I was done because that meant tomorrow was a rest day!!
After my shower, we went to a local Easter Egg hunt and Ashton got to see the Easter Bunny again!
Then we had tickets to see Disney on Ice: Passport to Adventure! It was an entertaining show and our seats were great, so it made the experience really fun! Ashton brought along his Mickey Mouse too, which I thought was really cute!
After naptime, it was time to color eggs!
It sure was a busy, but fun Saturday for us! After Ashton went to bed, we got his basket and eggs ready for the next morning!
Sunday: I was thankful it was a rest day today so I could enjoy all the Easter morning activities. We didn’t get up until close to 9 am and then we started our Easter! We stenciled bunny tracks from our sliding glass door in the kitchen all the way to where we left our colored eggs and Ashton’s Easter basket, it was really fun to see him freak out over the tracks through the house! After we opened his basket, we quickly got changed for the egg hunt. Again, it is so much fun to see these activities through a child’s eyes, he was so joyful and happy hunting for eggs.
After the hunt, we opened the eggs to see what was inside and the Easter Bunny gave a few treats, but it was mostly pieces of legos in each of the eggs that built a bunny themed lego set (that we put together in the afternoon as a family!) Robyn made bunny pancakes and then we headed out for the rest of the morning!
We went grocery shopping and then I did a whole lot of meal prep for the week during Ashton’s nap. It was a really great, low key Easter for us. We watched a family movie after nap time, had dinner and got ready for the upcoming week! A perfect way to spend a Sunday if you ask me.
So, that’s it for the Weekly Wrap Up my friends. With the exception of the length of the workouts for this program (and the repetitive dinners), I am really liking it and how much it’s pushing me out of my comfort zone. I look forward to a new week and seeing how hard I can push myself!
I hope you all have a great Monday!!
Question of the day
If you celebrate Easter, how was it? What did you do? If not, what did you do this weekend that was fun?