Family Magazine

Weekly Wrap Up

By Sara Zwicker @SaraZwicker

Hi friends–Happy Monday and Happy March! Even though we got snow AGAIN yesterday, I really hope that now that we are officially in March, Spring is going to be coming soon!  I think I speak for most people when I say, enough is enough with the snow and this Winter….bring on the warmer weather!!  I have a really busy day here at work so I am going to dive right into what last week looked like in the Weekly Wrap Up!

Week: 2/23-3/1

Monday:  After my post last week, I was committed to turning things around this week and killing it with my workouts.  I started the week off with 4 miles at an 8:43 pace.  It wasn’t easy but wasn’t hard either and it signaled to me that it was time to get back on track!

Tuesday: I wanted to get in another run and that is what I did.  I did a little bit of an easier 4 miles at an 8:57 pace while catching up on last week’s episode of PLL.

Wednesday: I took my usual early morning Spin class.  Erin (my beloved spin instructor) resigned last week because she got this great promotion at her full time job, which means we lost our favorite spin instructor at the gym.  The new girl was starting this week and we were all worried about the future of this class.  Well, she wasn’t bad…she wasn’t great either, but she played great music and I felt like I got a really good workout in, so I am giving her the benefit of the doubt and will give her a few more classes to find her stride and see if I will continue with class or do something else on Wednesday mornings.

On Wednesday night after work, I had to race home because I had to sign Ashton up for preschool.  We finally found a place that both Robyn and I LOVE and that means that we I will no longer lose anymore sleep over where he will go next year!

Thursday: I knew I had to work from home on Friday so this was my last chance at some running miles this week so I banged out an easy 5 miles at an 8:54 pace while I watched last week’s episode of Hart of Dixie.

5 mile

Friday: Ashton has his 3 year appointment at the pediatricians so I worked from home and did Asylum Strength.  My arms were DEAD at the end of the workout and felt high on endorphin’s.  After work, I went and picked Ashton back up at daycare and we had a little date at Starbucks…he, Rex, and I!

ash dino

Then we went to pick up our pizza order (every Friday night is pizza night in our house!) and we went home to eat dinner with Robyn!

Saturday: Rest day. We got up on Saturday morning and we had a week between when this past swim session ended and soccer started back up next weekend so we took Ashton to the Ecotarium.  I also FINALLY bought us the family membership since we go there so often and it makes so much more economic sense to have the family membership.


We played there until just after noon and then we headed home to eat lunch and Ashton went down for a nap.  My sister-in-law came over to watch Ashton while Robyn and I went and got our taxes done (fun stuff!!)

 After we got home, we played for a bit, ate dinner and got Ashton to bed.  Robyn hung out with some of his work friends for the evening which meant I got to lay in bed and start binge watching the new season of House of Cards that was just released on Netflix.  Good times were had by all!

Sunday: On Sunday after we went grocery shopping, we got home and Robyn made me agree to finally take apart Ashton’s crib.  He has been on me for over a month to take it apart, but I just wasn’t ready.  I know he is getting bigger and that he just turned three, but I feel like since he wasn’t trying to climb out of the crib, why take him out of it.  But, I lost this battle and as sad as it makes me, Ashton was so excited to see his new bed!

new bed

Now, I just have to get him all new bedding for his big boy bed!!  I was worried that he wasn’t going to nap well, but he passed out like usual, so I am hopeful this transition will be easy.  During Ashton’s nap I did PiYo Hardcore on the floor and then showered, did laundry and prepped my breakfasts and lunches for the week.

So, overall, I am thrilled with how the week went.  I finally got my groove back, I was focused, had GREAT workouts (with room for improvement of course) and feel more positive about the coming weeks!  Let’s hope this momentum continues!  Also, I want to give a BIG shout out to my girl Susie who got a BQ this weekend at the Phoenix marathon!

I hope you have a great Monday and I will see you all Wednesday!


Question of the day

How was your weekend? Did anyone race? What’s on tap for you this week?

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