Books Magazine

Weekly Photo Challenge: Winter

By Travelingbook @travelingbook
Weekly Photo Challenge: Winter

Many faces of winter.

Who wants to come here?

It’s really cold and there’s no one outside to enjoy the lakeview.

The sky is gray and the clouds come along.

The benches are empty and the seagulls fly around trying to get one more fish.

The temperature keeps droping, and the sense of emptiness grows.

And then, they there are. Wonderful roses that have managed to survive the restless winter that still can’t decide how cold it would be.

Some roses haven’t survived, some others, in full bloom lie right there over the bench canopy waiting for someone to come around and sit down there, ready to enjoy the magnificent view despite the cold, to challenge the silence that has taken over the place.

Who wants to come here? The wind seems to ask… Who will visit us? The roses agree.

And then, a golden sunrays shyly appears, crossing with a big effort the heavy silver clouds that cover the scene.

“I want to stay,” says the sunray. “There’s nothing more peaceful and beautiful than this lakeview.”

The sunray stays all the day long, enjoying the lakeview, comfortably seated on the benches cover by the canopy full of roses, some in full bloom and some others not, listening to the wind humming around him and seeing the seagulls peacefully flying around, wating for the last minitues of the day to take him back home.

The sunray doesn’t want to leave just yet. But the sunset is close, calling him back. He has to go. But now he has a new place to stay every day until the spring comes back and takes him to beautiful places to shine again.

(A story by Nora Vasconcelos)

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