Social Media Magazine

Weekly Marketing Skinny • November 1, 2014

Posted on the 01 November 2014 by Ana Hoffman @AnaTrafficCafe

Don’t have the time to read all the marketing news, blog posts, announcements, and other content related to SEO/social media/online marketing published each week?

I’ve got you covered.

I sift through trillions (well, hundreds) of online publications to stay on top of marketing news that might affect your online business.

Let’s start with the news from Traffic Generation Café.


3 Reasons To Stop Focusing On Your Audience3 Reasons To Stop Focusing On Your Audience

Cat gifs are like bad street-corner evangelists.

The sign is there, begging for attention. It is often paired with a phrase that you are compelled to agree with, followed by a call to action.

The call to action draws the social pressure. “Reshare if you agree” implies that inaction is equivalent to disagreement.

Disagreement means that you hate kittens.

Don’t hate kittens.

Instead, join me in hating the petty ways people attempt to drive engagement with their campaigns — especially on social media.

Real, actionable engagement does not come from cutesy guilt-infused graphics.

It comes from conversation. It builds off relationships. It grows into trust.

And it stops trying to build an audience.

This is a must-read from our guest author, Thomas E. Hanna, who talks about what we should build instead of an audience.

The 10 Things I’d Do if I Lost My Blog and Had to Start All Over AgainBook Summit Interview: The 10 Things I'd Do if I Lost My Blog and Had to Start All Over Again

I had a fun little interview with one of my blog readers for the 2014 Book Marketing Summit. If you’re an author, this will definitely interest you!

The Summit is an online event that’s gone all October. Each day I or one of the 20+ other book marketing experts interviewed by Ryan Mendenhall of Author’s Catapult share a unique perspective about marketing books.

In my Book Summit interview, you can find out:

  • Why my first blogging experience fell flat on it’s face
  • The most important cornerstone to a successful blog
  • The single best kept secret of being everywhere your audience is

Listen to it here: The 10 Things I’d Do if I Lost My Blog and Had to Start All Over Again


It’s hard to believe, but Duane Forrester, the senior product manager in charge of webmaster outreach for Bing, has lost his job as part of the recently announced layoffs at Microsoft.

To keep you informed of issues mobile users might be seeing across your website, Google added the Mobile Usability feature to Webmaster Tools.

Google has made a change to their Webmaster Guidelines specifically telling webmasters to not block them from crawling your CSS or JavaScript.

Gmail messages now show up in Google Search.

By the way, you should share this post right now before you forget – much appreciated!

Social Media

YouTube is attempting to clean up the description section of video pages by launching a new “creator credits” field for popular YouTube channels.

YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki Says 50% Of YouTube’s Traffic Now Coming From Mobile – and why you should care.

More YouTube: YouTube is in the early stages of exploring new subscription services.

Facebook still drives three times as much publisher referral traffic as the next seven networks combined.

Facebook wants to host linked articles rather than redirect users to mobile websites, which means much less traffic to your site, but at least they are willing to share the moola.

Facebook for Android and iOS gets new collage layout and lets you reorder photos before uploading.

Mark Zuckerberg announced that he will be taking questions from the full Facebook community for an hour at 2 p.m. Pacific on Nov. 6.

The Samaritans charity has launched a new app which will notify Twitter users if people they follow on the site appear to be suicidal.

Twitpic is gone for good, but they did announce that they had reached an agreement with Twitter to give them the Twitpic domain and photo archive, thus keeping the photos and links alive for the time being.

Tumblr doubles down on advertising with sponsored auto-play video posts.

On a Side Note…

If you find tremendous value in my Weekly Marketing Skinnies, like thousands of other readers of Traffic Generation Café do, you should consider joining them and sign up to receive the weekly notifications of when a fresh Skinny is published.

Plus, you’ll get complimentary access to my “Mommy, Where Does My Traffic Come From?” traffic hacks report and traffic hacks newsletter:

Weekly Marketing Skinny • November 1, 2014

"Ana has a unique insight into running an internet business."
- Yaro Starak,

Needless to say, your information is completely safe with me.

See you in your inbox!

Marketing This & That

An update to Google Calendar on the web brings a number of time-saving improvements.

Google released its new ‘Stars’ Bookmark Manager for Chrome, and I think it’s pretty awesome.

Google posted a video showing off the first prototype from Project Ara, the company’s open hardware platform for creating highly modular smartphones.

Small Business Alert: Google beefed up its Google My Business app with real-time alerts for Google reviews.

Google wants to index your biochemical system: it is developing cancer and heart attack detector.

Thank You

To all of you who mentioned Traffic Generation Café in any share or form in the past week, my whole-hearted THANK YOU.

Traffic Generation Café would NOT be what it is today without you.

And I am not the only one who thinks that, by the way.

Take a look at the comment Kurt Frankenberg of (one of my favorite blogs, by the way) left on a recent Weekly Marketing Skinny:

Weekly Marketing Skinny mentions at Traffic Generation Café

He also went on to say:

My new favoritest fella is Jackson Nwachukwu. I went to the articles you referenced above and of course, ended up back here! But along the way picked up great thoughts from the likes of Adrienne Smith, Pat Flynn, Yaro, and more.

Thanks for taking your time to let us know, Kurt!

Here are just some of the mentions I came across in the past week:

How to create content that serves the purpose (both for you and for your readers)? – Jane Sheeba at

8+ Courses to Diversify Your Marketing Strategy Without Feeling Overwhelmed – Ann Smarty at

The misconceptions associated with making money via blogging [and what to do about them] – Jane Sheeba at

Shocking Ways To Get More Traffic From Social Networks – Prince Molak at

Paradise Picture Friday: Photo of the Day – Ryan Biddulph at

Have I missed your mention? Let me know in the comments!

Want to see your name here? Mention Traffic Generation Café in your next blog post!

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I share a lot of marketing news as well as the best posts I read throughout a week on my Google+ profile.

To read them as they come out and stay ahead of your competition, as well as become a social media star and share the best with YOUR followers (you’d be surprised how much it’ll do for your credibility and online presence!), join me there:

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To an even better next week,

traffic generation cafe

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