Social Media Magazine

Weekly Marketing Skinny • March 1, 2014

Posted on the 01 March 2014 by Ana Hoffman @AnaTrafficCafe

Don’t have the time to read all the marketing news, blog posts, announcements, and other content related to SEO/social media/online marketing published each week?

I’ve got you covered.

I sift through trillions (well, hundreds) of online publications to stay on top of marketing news that might affect your online business.

Let’s start with the news from Traffic Generation Café.

how to write great content
Conduct Unbecoming a Dull Writer

If you write, write, write, and no one is reading, what do you think the problem might be?

Time to take a closer look at your writing?

You bet.

And to make this post more interesting, I decided to walk you through my own journey of Unbecoming a Dull Writer.

Coffee Addict + Internet Marketing Goddess = Ana Hoffman - interview at

There are lots of smart people out there.
There are lots of funny people out there.
There are lots of very attractive people out there.
There are lots of people out there who like the color pink.

But, apparently (and rightfully so), I am the bestest of them all.

Fair warning: if a good sense of humor is not your cuppa espresso, I suggest you don’t read this interview +Vincent Messina beat out of me.

See for yourself:

ana hoffman interview request

Now you see why I had no choice, but to cough up over 2,000 words for this interview…

What you’ll learn about me:

♨  What do you think contributed most to your lack of success? What were you really bad at?

♨  Did your experience modeling give you any skills that you would later apply to become an online sensation?

♨  Have you always been a good writer? If not, how did you find your voice? If so, where did you learn to express your voice so effectively?

♨  Are you as bubbly in person as your marketing copy makes you seem?

…and much, much more. This was the funnest (spell check didn’t underline that; must be a word!) interview I’ve ever done.

Read it and please let Vincent know what you think or he might think no one really likes him…

ana hoffman on viralcontenbuzz chat
How to Generate Traffic – #VCBuzz Twitter Chat with Ana Hoffman

I was a busy girl last week and did not one, but two interviews (two of them were published I should say).

This one was a Twitter chat (my first one ever) with Ann Smarty and Gerald Weber of - a free social media sharing platform.

Here are just some of the questions we covered:

♨  What would you say is your best “non Google” traffic generation source (that converts)?

♨  In your weekly marketing skinny newsletter, you recently started posting the stories on Google+ and then embedding the Google+ stories into your roundup. Can you explain a little bit about your reasoning for this?

♨  You have also changed your comments from comment luv to Google+ comments. I know you have been a long time advocate of comment luv so I’m really curious to know the reason for the change here.

♨  Can you walk us through the steps of how you promote a content piece when you want to go big or go home?

♨  and more.

Here’s the link to the transcript once again and you can join Ann and Gerald for their future chats here.


Google: Submit Scraper Sites That Outrank You on Google

Don’t dumb down your content for the search engines; only for your readers

Disavow Data Isn’t Used Against the Site Being Disavowed

3 tips to find hacking on your site from Google

Google’s Panda Algorithm is 3 Years Old

By the way, you should share this post right now before you forget – much appreciated!

Social Media and Google+

Additional Scoop.It resources from +Ileane Smith: Tutorial – Curate Content, Build Backlinks and Track Engagement [VIDEO]

How Facebook’s News Feed Now Lets Brands Ride The Coattails Of Other Brands

Facebook Reroutes Its Email to Your Inbox

Facebook: All verified pages can finally edit their posts

Twitter is bringing even more ads to your search results

On a Side Note…

If you find tremendous value in my Weekly Marketing Skinnies, like thousands of other readers of Traffic Generation Café do, you should consider joining them and sign up to receive the weekly notifications of when a fresh Skinny is published.

Plus, you’ll get complimentary access to my ”Mommy, Where Does My Traffic Come From?” traffic hacks report and traffic hacks newsletter:

Weekly Marketing Skinny • March 1, 2014

"Ana has a unique insight into running an internet business."
- Yaro Starak,

Needless to say, your information is completely safe with me.

See you in your inbox!

Email Marketing

Gmail adds easy unsubscribe button to stem the tide of promotional email

Marketing This & That

Happy 19th Birthday, Yahoo

Weird Driving Laws in the U.S.

Sleep tight; Netflix’s got your back

Thank You

To all of you who mentioned Traffic Generation Café in any share or form in the past week, my whole-hearted THANK YOU.

Traffic Generation Café would NOT be what it is today without you.

Here are just some of the mentions I came across in the past week:

Be Blog In – Vanity URL – Phillip Dews at

Tips Tuesday – Site Hack Tests, Write Copy, Get it Shared, Transform Your Blogging – MaAnna Stephenson at

What Makes A Bad Business Presentation [VIDEO] – Erin Pritchard at

Notable Internet Marketing Articles for Feb. 27, 2014 – Kathleen Fealy at

Don’t Shout! Subtle Inbound Marketing Tips for Increased Business Leads – Nicky Pasquier at

How to Increase Blog Traffic – Isaiah Joe at

Have I missed your mention? Let me know in the comments!

Want to see your name here? Mention Traffic Generation Café in your next blog post!

Subscribe to Stay Ahead

I share a lot of marketing news as well as the best posts I read throughout a week on my Google+ profile.

To read them as they come out and stay ahead of your competition, as well as become a social media star and share the best with YOUR followers (you’d be surprised how much it’ll do for your credibility and online presence!), join me there:

You can also subscribe to my G+ feed through your RSS reader of choice; just add the following link like with any normal blog RSS feed:

To an even better next week,

traffic generation cafe

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