Don’t have the time to read all the marketing news, blog posts, announcements, and other content related to SEO/social media/online marketing published each week?
I’ve got you covered.
I sift through trillions (well, hundreds) of online publications to stay on top of marketing news that might affect your online business.
And I package them neatly in bite-sized chunks in my Weekly Marketing Skinnies right here at Traffic Generation Café every Saturday morning.
Between you and me, I have no idea why I bother investing hours of my time weekly reading all these marketing news just to boil them down for you in my Weekly Marketing Skinnies, other than the fact that I know you don’t have the time to keep up with the fast-paced marketing industry on your own, yet you DO need to be in-the-know to remain competitive.
Plus, your enthusiastic comments and social media shares show me just how much you truly appreciate being kept in the marketing loop in just a few minutes per week.
If you appreciate what I do, share this Marketing Skinny:THANK YOU.
Now grab your cup of coffee and let’s catch up on the marketing news that matter to your business.
Fluctuations in search results? Google confirmed another core search algorithm update.
Google responds: Why are some Google manual penalties removed much faster than others?
Google says once again that mobile searches and also mobile YouTube views have surpassed desktop.
Google will start removing ‘revenge porn’ from search results.
Avoid noindex directives in the body content – the entire page might not get indexed.
Headlines are as important as you thought, but are significantly more important on search than social.
Google Trends are now real-time trends.
Google adds knowledge cards containing quotes to their search results.
Bing to encrypt searches by default, will no longer pass query data to webmasters this summer.
Google disables newer card-based bookmarks manager in Chrome, now defaults to old one.
The human side of Google: man interviewing for a job at the tech giant is touched to receive personal note following the death of his sister.
Social Media
Twitter is on its way to become an e-commerce marketplace: it’s testing two ways to make it easier for you to discover content about products and places.
Twitter will start serving autoplay video to its users.
Facebook introduced Moments: a private way to share photos with friends.
Facebook: trending topics are suggested as possible subjects for status update.
New Google+ Collections feature: you can now add a tagline to your collections.
Meet YouTube Newswire: “curated feed of the most newsworthy eyewitness videos of the day”.
Pinterest unveiled some improvements to how search works within the site, plus introduced verified accounts.
LinkedIn relaunched Pulse app to become ‘world’s first personalized business news digest’.
Ad-free social network Ello goes mobile, lifts invite-only restriction, and hints at retail revenues.
On a Side Note…
If you find tremendous value in my Weekly Marketing Skinnies, like thousands of other readers of Traffic Generation Café do, you should consider joining them and sign up to receive the weekly notifications of when a fresh Skinny is published.
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Marketing This & That
LastPass hacked; user passwords not accessed, but account email addresses, password reminders, more were compromised.
San Diego firm plans to file first net neutrality complaint against TWC for charging unreasonable rates to deliver streaming video.
Also, FCC appoints an ombudsperson to hear your net neutrality complaints.
More FCC: it wants to help America’s poorest pay for Internet.
Wow… The European Court of Human Rights rules: websites can be declared liable for things people post in comments.
Russia proposes the strictest Right to be Forgotten rules yet.
Still using older AdWords version? Versions 10.6 and older will sunset June 30th.
And here it is… Donald Trump says he’s running for President.
You can soon buy a 7,471-volume printed version of Wikipedia for a mere $500,000.
Thank You
To all of you who mentioned Traffic Generation Café in any shape or form in the past week, my whole-hearted THANK YOU.
Traffic Generation Café would NOT be what it is today without you.
And I am not the only one who thinks that, by the way.
Take a look at the comment Kurt Frankenberg of (one of my favorite blogs, by the way) left on a recent Weekly Marketing Skinny:
Here are just some of the mentions I came across in the past week:
Periscope & Meerkat – It’s not just for Millennials – Mia Voss at
Tips Tuesday – Site as Asset Mindset, Rookie Blogging Mistakes – MaAnna Stephenson at
Twitter’s Periscope – Jesse at
Episode 128: Why You Should Increase Your Prices – at Jon at
25 Experts Share How to Get More Traction from Triberr [Infographic] – Ileane Smith at
Have I missed your mention? Let me know in the comments!
Want to see your name here? Mention Traffic Generation Café in your next blog post!
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To an even better next week,