Don’t have the time to read all the marketing news, blog posts, announcements, and other content related to SEO/social media/online marketing published each week?
I’ve got you covered.
I sift through trillions (well, hundreds) of online publications to stay on top of marketing news that might affect your online business.
And I package them neatly in bite-sized chunks in my Weekly Marketing Skinnies right here at Traffic Generation Café every Saturday morning.
Between you and me, I have no idea why I bother investing hours of my time weekly reading all these marketing news just to boil them down for you in my Weekly Marketing Skinnies, other than the fact that I know you don’t have the time to keep up with the fast-paced marketing industry on your own, yet you DO need to be in-the-know to remain competitive.
Plus, your enthusiastic comments and social media shares show me just how much you truly appreciate being kept in the marketing loop in just a few minutes per week.
If you appreciate what I do, share this Marketing Skinny:THANK YOU.
Now grab your cup of coffee and let’s catch up on the marketing news that matter to your business.
Let’s start with the news from Traffic Generation Café.
Phew!… Took a while to write, but I am happy to report that you, Android users, have no more excuses of why you haven’t given Periscope a shot yet.
How to Use Periscope for Android: Your A to Z Tutorial
So, you don’t think you can afford to learn yet another social platform?Wrong.
You can’t afford NOT to.
Live streaming is here. It’s here to stay. And Periscope is leading the pack.
The choice is yours: stake your claim early on and be on the cutting edge of something big for a change or watch your competitors do it.
Should you choose door number one (good for you!), this Periscope for Android tutorial will show you the ins and outs of using Periscope for business or pleasure.
I am even going to throw in a SlideShare presentation to make it even more impossible for you to say No.
Amusingly interesting: Meet the Egyptian Repairman Who Outranked Google.
Location Aware Search is a live unannounced feature in Google Search App.
Awesome new search feature: Google Android ‘Touch To Search’ in Chrome.
France ordered Google to remove Right to Be Forgotten results from ALL Google sites, not just country-specific searches. So did Canada.
Miley Cyrus’ nude photos made it to Google News; searchers are upset.
Social Media
Get paid or pay someone to endorse a product on social media? Pay attention; FTC is giving you notice.
Facebook News Feed FYI: Facebook will now surface more stories that people actually read.
Small business news: Facebook now offers free Bluetooth beacons to U.S. businesses to optimize their Place Tips.
Facebook’s Buy Button is now available to select retailers on Shopify e-commerce platform.
Facebook’s Messenger gets its first game – “Doodle Draw Game” (and it ain’t pretty.)
Twitter’s Dick Costolo steps down as chief executive. Twitter’s co-founder Jack Dorsey will take over as interim chief on 1 July and stay until a replacement can be found. From this interview, it sounds like he actually wants the job. But so does Snoop Dogg.
Twitter is removing the 140 character limit from Direct Messages.
Twitter simplifies blocking multiple accounts by letting users share and import block lists.
More Twitter: Twitter now lets you record video in landscape format.
More, more Twitter: Twitter makes conversations easier to follow on Tweet pages.
Even more Twitter (sort of): Caitlyn (formerly Bruce) Jenner broke the Guinness world record for the shortest time to acquire a million followers on Twitter.
Periscope iOS updates: Map View, support for 29 languages, instant replays, new Share on Twitter.
YouTube is launching a YouTube built for gamers this summer.
Instagram is launching a redesigned website with bigger photos.
Hillary Clinton debuts on Instagram with a bang (and a joke).
Since coming up with words can be so very difficult, Tumblr made it easier to speak with GIFs.
On a Side Note…
If you find tremendous value in my Weekly Marketing Skinnies, like thousands of other readers of Traffic Generation Café do, you should consider joining them and sign up to receive the weekly notifications of when a fresh Skinny is published.
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- Yaro Starak,
Needless to say, your information is completely safe with me.
See you in your inbox!
Marketing This & That
Big net neutrality win: FCC net neutrality rules went into effect Friday as wireless industry court challenge failed.
Handy: Google’s new tool helps you pick an Android phone.
And Apple made it painless to switch from Android with ‘Move to iOS’ app.
Apple announced OS X El Capitan with refined front-end experience & improved back-end performance.
Google Play’s Family Friendly section goes live in Google Play store and on the web.
An image-design tip for non-image designers: the easiest to use (which makes it the best) color scheme generator.
Thank You
To all of you who mentioned Traffic Generation Café in any shape or form in the past week, my whole-hearted THANK YOU.
Traffic Generation Café would NOT be what it is today without you.
And I am not the only one who thinks that, by the way.
Take a look at the comment Kurt Frankenberg of (one of my favorite blogs, by the way) left on a recent Weekly Marketing Skinny:
Here are just some of the mentions I came across in the past week:
Google+ Hyperlink No Longer Working? – Barry Schwartz at
50 Google+ Accounts Every Marketer Should Follow – Pam Neely at
The Best Affiliate Programs and 24 Ways To Promote Them – Kinley McFadden at
Top 24 Bloggers Share Their Advanced Blogging Tips – INFOGRAPHIC – Cent at
40 Explosive Tips to Increase Website Traffic – INFOGRAPHIC – Cent at
Best “How To Drive Traffic” Advice From Successful Bloggers – Ivana Taylor at
Social Media Platforms 2015 [Research] – Heidi Cohen at
90% of Twitter video views happen on a mobile device – Dave Lucas at
40 Experts Sharing Their Best SEO Tools – by Anil Agarwal at
Have I missed your mention? Let me know in the comments!
Want to see your name here? Mention Traffic Generation Café in your next blog post!
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I share a lot of marketing news as well as the best posts I read throughout a week on my Google+ profile.
To read them as they come out and stay ahead of your competition, as well as become a social media star and share the best with YOUR followers (you’d be surprised how much it’ll do for your credibility and online presence!), join me there:
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To an even better next week,