Diaries Magazine

Weekly Edit #5

By Sarahhhp @SarahhhP
Weekly Edit #5Well, I’m finally here – sat as we speak, in Liverpool – in my little flat having unpacked nothing but my iMac, mattress and a bottle of fizz to celebrate. It’s been a whirlwind week and I still can’t quite believe that I’ve managed it. A big change was needed though (a big kick up the arse if you will) and you don’t get much bigger than up and leaving your little village in return for a riverside apartment in the big city (not so big – but we’ll go with it). Apparently I don’t do things by halves. Granted, I’m already familiar with the place having spent three years here before – but somehow this feels different. I’m doing this on my own now – no flatmates, no student loans – just me.
If you read Monday’s post you’ll already know that I had a bit of a nerve wracking start to the week, which I won’t go into again, but which I am now really proud of myself for having gone through with. We all have to start somewhere. Of course on Monday, the de-brief was required, so I met with Laura and we frequented what is supposedly theplace to go if it’s a good Indian you’re after – Mowgli (on Bold Street). It’s basically Spanish meets Indian with the tapas element coming into play and getting to try a little taster of all your favorite dishes. If you’re a fan of spice and  a bit of a picker, then you’re definitely in for a treat. Personal recommendations = the goan fish curry and the fenugreek kissed fries.
The rest of the week has been spent rather hectically, trying to maneuver furniture up, down and around stairs, into lifts; you name it… along with attempting to handle work at the same time. I’ve been sticking to my resolve to do more yoga, and having left what was  my local gym, have now enrolled in a Wednesday evening Pilates class straight after work – this way I have no excuses!
So after all that, in truth I’m now feeling pretty knackered out. That hasn’t stopped us from downing a glass or two today in celebration though and tonight calls for karaoke, tequila (apparently – not my choice) and a whole heap of questionable dance moves.
May the good times begin (again – it’s a Swifty reference – Google it!)

Sarah x

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