We really shouldn't go shopping together. Going for one product turned into about 5 bags each. As always. I should have learnt my lesson by now that we just can't do "sensible" shopping together. When we got there, our first move was food. It was already 1pm when we got there so we went to Rosa's I think it's called. It's a really nice Thai place and the food was yummy! Walking around, I spotted a Pinkberry. I was really excited about this. I've heard about how yummy it is so obviously that was our next stop for desert.

And then we went shopping......

So that was Saturday. We were there for a good 5 hours and I was so tired at the end of the day. Shopping is such a good work out! Don't you agree!?
Then on Sunday I got up early to help my mom at another local Boot sale. Strangely, I find them really fun. I ended up buying yet more books that I needed to go in my collection and my Max Factor foundation, as a lady was selling loads of stuff unopened for half the price. So when that was over, the weather was so lovely I decided to go for a long walk. I love going on these walks alone, just listening to music and rearranging my thoughts. I then got camera happy with the fields and my own shadow....simple minds.

And that was it for my lovely little weekend. I usually just slob about the house in my pj's all day, so I'm glad I actually did something this time. Next weekend I plan on spending less money and another walk :) Hope everyone had a lovely weekend too and have a nice week :)