I myself took part in two events. Each of them entirely different, so I'll make two separate posts.
First up:

I first saw this competition on facebook, asking for "real girls" to enter with photos of themselves, to be in with a chance of first winning €200 to spend on clothing in a "fash dash" (if you're old enough you'll fondly recall the fabulously orange hued Dale Winton and Supermarket Sweep...it was like that. But not.). From the submitted photographs, 25 girls were to be picked to arrive at 1pm on Saturday the 8th in the Ilac center to model their own fashion (I wore a Zara peacock print dress, sequin bolero, hot pink tights and a pair of Litas). Four girls would then be selected to rush around the Ilac shops, with an hour to put together an outfit worth €200 or less. Had I got to this stage my shoes would have cost €120 and after that I didn't care if I wore only a bag and a pair of knickers. However, I was one of the 25 girls who received a consolation goodie bag. Which is always pleasant!Of the four girls who were picked, the beautiful Bruna was my bet to win. At only 5'1, her contagious smile and sweet personality made her stand tall amongst the crowd. A real beauty! However, the very pretty, porcelain skinned Aisling was the overall winner and catwalked away with €1000 to spend on clothes, as well as entry into the Real Beauty Modelling contest...which was something to do with modelling, I guess. I don't know, I just wanted shoes!

Twice during the competition(once directly at me, while I cringed) and in a group email afterwards it was pointed out that "The purpose of the RBM competition is to try and change the way the Fashion and Beauty Industries advertise their products by demonstrating that real women, with real, healthy and varied body types can successfully model and thatreal beauty is more than the 6ft tall, size zero to six, limited view they have of it at present." While I agree with all of this, I also think it's unfair to confine "real beauty" to size, as if that's the only constraint upon females in the fashion and beauty industry. I reach 6ft in my heels and I'm size 6, so that makes me not quite "real" enough. But at a healthy age 30 and inked to the max, I'm not really what the commercial beauty industry advertises either. Maybe if Suicide Girls are looking for cougars, eh ;)
It was a fun experience, especially walking in the "model train" around the centre, while a less than coherent Dublin native tried his luck. A couple of my friends came along to support/laugh at me, too. Ray took some pap shots while all the lovely girls lined up in what can only be described as a human cattle pen. I jest (of course) ;) Most of the girls were sweethearts, with one or two utter divas in the mix...seriously girls, SMILE, that's what real beauty is.

Photo: Rayomond Jordon