Lifestyle Magazine

Wedding Inspiration, French Style: Pink and Glitter

By Claire

wedding blog inspiration France (1)French inspi­ra­tion shoot from La Mar­iée en Colère

This shoot (“shoot­ing d’inspiration”) is deli­ciously girly: with per­fect pinks and del­i­cate pas­tels, beau­ti­ful lit­tle flower arrange­ments for tables, a bright and sum­mery bou­quet plus wed­ding sta­tionery (ele­gant as you’d expect!) — it’s just divine. The pic­tures speak for them­selves, and I’ve cred­ited all the sup­pli­ers involved below:
wedding blog inspiration France (2)
wedding blog inspiration France (3)
wedding blog inspiration France (4)
wedding blog inspiration France (5)
wedding blog inspiration France (6)
wedding blog inspiration France (7)
wedding blog inspiration France (8)

Wed­ding sup­plier list and credits

French wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy : Fairy­Daily

Décor and wed­ding invi­ta­tions : 123nousirons

Wed­ding dress : Con­fi­den­tiel Créa­tion

Cup­cakes : Candy’s Cup­cakes Bor­deaux

Hair­dress­ing : Event Coif­fure Bor­deaux

Make up : Jenny Make Up

La Mar­iée en Colère is great: Nathalie writes with humor as well as a great eye for all things beau­ti­ful and inspir­ing. And do you know… her French wed­ding blog is pretty much like my Eng­lish one. I’ve sub­scribed; you should pop over and have a look too.

For non-French speak­ers, with Google trans­late you can read it in the internet’s spe­cial “franglais” too!

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