Well here we are, Little Mr A’s last day of school already! It doesn’t seem 2 minutes since I was fretting about him starting school, the year has just flown by in a bit of a blur really!
We have had our ups and downs and it certainly took us all a while to adjust to school life.
Looking back…
Having looked back over my old posts throughout the school year there are so many things he has achieved and things we have overcome…
In October we had our first major ‘I don’t want to go to school tantrum‘! This seems like a distant memory now but at the time I remember feeling so upset and walking home from school in tears. It seemed like we had a long time of Little Mr A not wanting to go to school and me having to drag him in, however, looking back now it really didn’t last long and now I have a little boy who can’t wait to get into school in a morning and will quite happily leave me standing waving at the gate.
In November Little Mr A received his first award for creating the infamous ‘London‘. This brought about an activity in his class talking about famous landmarks in London and Little Mr A still talks about it now and often recreates it at school.
November also saw the first ‘Wow Week’ at school. I remember coming away very disappointed with the whole afternoon although it was nice to see Little Mr A settling in and playing with his friends.
Come December and Little Mr A won his second award, the Key Stage 1 Writers’ Award for writing about his favourite foods.
This was quickly followed by the school ‘nativity’ (well Christmas play!). Little Mr A played one of three Santas and had to sing on the X-Factor. We were very proud of how well he did in his first play. He absolutely loved being a part of it too!
After Christmas not much happened until March when Little Mr A had to dress up as his favourite character from a book for World Book Day. Having not been given much notice this brought about much panic as to what he could go as before we finally decided on a pirate, inspired by The Troll.
In fact March turned out to be a very eventful month with another Wow Week taking place which was much more organised and enjoyable than the first followed by Little Mr A’s attempted escape from school which made us wonder what kind of school we were sending Little Mr A too! Thankfully since then new procedures have been put in place and no further escapes have been attempted!
May saw us attend Little Mr A’s first school fete where we found out just how much things have changed since we were at school!
July has been another busy month with Little Mr A’s first sports day, first school trip and first school report which we were very pleased with!
We are so proud of everything Little Mr A has achieved and learnt in his first year at school. He can now read (just try stopping him!), write stories and his drawing skills have improved a lot. This last term he seems to have been learning a bit more about numbers and maths and I know these skills will increase as he enters Year 1. I do think he will be in for a big shock next year though – he is so used to being able to do pretty much what he wants all day and go outside to play whenever he wants, next year things will be much more structured with more learning. He may well enjoy that though, he has told us school is boring this week as he is not doing any learning, and he is most disappointed he has no spellings to bring home!!
Not only that but he has grown up so much – looking back at these two pictures I can’t believe it’s the same boy…..
First week at school…
Last week at school….
So here’s to a fun packed summer holidays before Little Mr A starts as a ‘big boy’ in Year 1 in September.