Politics Magazine

War Zone: July 4, 2016

Posted on the 05 July 2016 by Calvinthedog

I swear it sounds exactly like a war zone out there. I have been watching a lot of combat videos lately, and this is more or less exactly what a war zone sounds like, albeit with some larger explosions now and then. If you want to know what gunshots sound like, well, they sound like firecrackers. That’s the best analogy that I can come up with.

This has got to be the most damned violent Fourth of July that I have ever experienced. I believe the madness started this morning, and the battle has been going on nearly nonstop (just like in a war zone) ever since. Keep in mind that this is a small city of 50,000 people. There’s rarely five seconds without an explosion of some sort. Are people really getting more violent and setting off more of these little bombs, or is it just my imagination? If there are more firecrackers now, why is that? Are people pissed off about something? Are they more violent nowadays?

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