Art & Design Magazine

Walk Towards the Blanc Nez

By Pmeurice
   Finally, spring is there, and green is invading the landscapes. After a winter which was busier than ever, we take some rest enjoying the garden, and try to be more regular in painting - every saturday with the portrait class! 
Spring is there… and I say I start to miss seaside, fresh air, and the contact with elements. Digging in my pictures, I found a picture taken during a walk close the Cap Blanc Nez, near Calais. I didn't like the light at first: somehow hazy, the day was quite warm. But I found it was a good opportunity to take my pastels and try to render a bit of this atmosphere. The sun was vaguely coming over the cliffs - they weren't wight, but a kind of blue or violet, melting with the greens and sky. 
Enjoyed doing this quick pastel study, here it is : 

Walk towards the Blanc Nez

Walk towards the Blanc Nez

Enjoyed it indeed - the sea, a walk on coastal path near home, a taste of holidays was entering the studio… looking forward for this summer, we're nearly there!

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