‘Mental Illness fills my brain. It takes over completely .There is no escape. The voices! Oh the voices! If you could live in my mind for just one day, you would not think I was okay. You might understand what it is like, to have no peace of mind. I get tired from simply trying to do regular things, tired from simply trying to live my life. The medication I am given does not seem to help. I don’t know what to do.’
‘Chronic pain fills me inside and takes over my body. There is no escape. It is crushing. If you could live in my body for just one day, you’d never think I was okay. You might understand what it’s like to be tired from simply trying to live and do what’s required. I wish I could explain the depth of my pain It’s never-ending, so hard to explain. I’m aching inside, not easy to hide. I wish I could tell you how I honestly feel. But would you believe that my pain was so real?’
So remember: Your life may not be tied in ribbons, but, it is still a gift.