I am being a baby and a RP (Running Procrastinator) right now. Because of this:

After a few days of being spoiled and running in shorts, I am now back to bundling up and having my ass freeze. I am reminded of this profound cartoon.

Everyone everywhere is complaining about weather. This happens every year, every season. “WTF! It is snowing in Colorado in February!” “WTF! It is 90 degrees in Florida in June!”
I say, “WTF!! I can see why you are so surprised the weather is doing exactly what you know it does every year!” (Okay, I’ll give a pass to those of you in Kentucky. And Boston. My apologies. Will you thaw out by the marathon?).
So, I can put off my ass freezing for a few more minutes, I will tell you about my weekend.
- I turned 48. Happy birthday to moi.
- Emma and exchange student Antoni sang me happy birthday while playing their ukuleles. Best gift on the planet.

- The Spaniard wrote “Happy Birthday” in the snow

- The group I coach (Fast Forward Sports) and myself did 3 x 3 miles at half marathon pace on Saturday. It hurt.
- We played 2 hours of Cards Against Humanity. Got to love a game that has cards like this:

- I tried Wal-Mart To Go. You know – the service that delivers your groceries. Yes, I will run marathons, but am too lazy to go to the grocery store. This service ROCKS. Free delivery for 3 months. Cheap prices. If you are like me and hate the Wal-Mart shopping experience (butt cracks galore, screaming children), but love the prices, this is the option for you (this is not a sponsored post, I just like the service).

- We watched 3 episodes of Homeland Season 3.
- I received my first pair of non-black running tights (Under Armour).

- I finished this book. Love.

- I educated myself about Israel culture/history for my upcoming trip. So much amazing history that my brain is on fire. I learned (among other things) that breast milk is kosher but only if taken directly from the breast and if the child is under the age of four.
Wow. All those bullet points. What a weekend.
Tell me one random thing about your weekend?
What’s the last book you read?