Other Sports Magazine

Vote for Chase Trails in the Final of the Lottery Awards

By Stodge @stodgeblog

Vote for Chase Trails in the Final of the Lottery AwardsYou might remember this posting http://www.stodgell.co.uk/?p=2830 from a while ago. Well Chase Trails got through to the shortlist. Please cast your vote if you have ever ridden on Cannock Chase and help them win.

Volunteer trail building group Chase Trails was founded by local riders in 2003 with the aim of building and maintaining high quality, sustainable mountain bike trails on Cannock Chase. Working in partnership with the Forestry Commission, they have built 15 miles of mountain bike trails which they are continually working to maintain and improve. To date it is estimated that over 25,000 hours of volunteer time have been invested in the trails.

Vote for Chase Trails in the Final of the Lottery Awards
Chase Trails rely on volunteers to build and maintain the trails. They hold trail building sessions every week and are always looking for new volunteers to come and get involved. Visit their blog for find out more about volunteer trail building. http://chasetrails.blogspot.com/

By voting for Chase Trails you’ll be showing your support for the trails and the work the volunteers do to build and maintain them. We’d encourage everyone to get behind them and support this fantastic project.

Click here for more information and to vote http://www.lotterygoodcauses.org.uk/awards/best-sport-project/141/ 

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