This is the latest silly way of speaking that a lot of teenage girls and young women have taken up nowadays. A recent study found that 70% of US college coeds use this speech style. It is also common in women all through their 20’s. I had no idea what it was until a friend turned me on to it. Apparently people have been talking about it for a long time now and I am just not hip enough to keep up with all the latest groovy fads and trends.
Below is an example of Vocal Fry. No, not (((Lauren Southern))), the bizarro Alt Right Danish Aryan Jew (WTF). The college girl, a relatively well-known UCLA feminist, who is playing SJW in berating a Lyft driver for having some Hawaiian tiki doll or something glued onto his dashboard. Apparently this tiki doll is oppressing Native Hawaiians just by being stuck onto that dashboard. They get into a big argument about the doll and he eventually practically throws her out of the car without even taking her home, which is apparently his right.
The refers to “the continent of Hawaii.” Based on that, it is unknown how she managed to get into a university in the first place. She is also covered in gross tattoos like a total slut, but whatever. I bet she goes on lots of Slut Walks.
A very good example of Vocal Fry is the reality TV stars Kardashians. It is said that all of these women talk in Vocal Fry, but Courtney seems to use it the most. The Kardashians of course have now spawned about 19,000 separate spinoffs. I believe they have also started up their very own business called Sluts ‘R Us, which is becoming very popular, especially with young men.
So this is what it’s come to, eh? All of these girls and young women are imitating the speech of the Kardashians of all people. In other words, millions of young American females have decided it’s hip to talk like retarded whores.
Speech pathologists say these these ditzy teenage girls and young ladies are actually damaging their vocal tracts in addition to sounding stupid, but I doubt if that will stop any of them.
I actually do not know any girls or young ladies who talk like this, but I am only close to a few teenage girls and young women in their 20’s. Unfortunately, most but not all of them are now outside my dating range.
Another silly way of talking is called Upspeak. This means speaking with a rising intonation at the end of a sentence. It sounds as if they are turning every sentence into a question. This is a well known feminine speech style. It makes you sound weak and insecure because it seems like you are not even sure that what you are saying is even the right thing to say, but that is part of femininity you know. Anyway, males should not talk like this unless you want to sound like a complete pussy. I don’t know much about Upspeak except that Asian women sometimes talk like this. I rather like Upspeak because it makes women sound feminine.