Art & Design Magazine

Visiting Old Friends

By Pmeurice
   These last two months, drawing in the National Gallery… Taking with me just few pencils and a sketchbook, I wander around, through the rooms, looking for something that is going to strike me. Nothing in mind, just yet… Just looking. Suddenly, I see a face, the expression of an emotion - I look further, and I start to sketch ‘notes’ of what I perceive - I let my fingers move around and play along this perception - not to look for any perfection, but engaging the dialog with the piece of Art in front of me. 
Drawing, like learning to speak, with the great spokesmen of my art. It is intimidating at first… but I rapidly lose all fear.I tend to rest in these exchanges : In my many hours in the studio, or at work, I am often stressed by the need to 'do' something, paint something... I took to the stance to rest in learning further this summer, and visiting these old friends, I learn to see while pulling of the immediate need to 'produce'. I become then more patient, and more focused. Here are some of the sketches done in July and in August : some done in the Portrait Gallery (an excellent show on old master drawings) - and some in a gathering of works from Rembrandt and Rubens at the National Gallery. I loved the 'tender' care for detail brought by Rembrandt in his portraits - all done in genial painterly effects... I could stay hours in these rooms.... here we are : Visiting Old Friends Visiting Old Friends
Visiting Old FriendsVisiting Old Friends
Visiting Old Friends

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