Drawing, like learning to speak, with the great spokesmen of my art. It is intimidating at first… but I rapidly lose all fear.I tend to rest in these exchanges : In my many hours in the studio, or at work, I am often stressed by the need to 'do' something, paint something... I took to the stance to rest in learning further this summer, and visiting these old friends, I learn to see while pulling of the immediate need to 'produce'. I become then more patient, and more focused. Here are some of the sketches done in July and in August : some done in the Portrait Gallery (an excellent show on old master drawings) - and some in a gathering of works from Rembrandt and Rubens at the National Gallery. I loved the 'tender' care for detail brought by Rembrandt in his portraits - all done in genial painterly effects... I could stay hours in these rooms.... here we are :