Kelly from Misfits will you be my friend?!
As I had already done most of my Christmas shopping before the gifts started to hit the shelves I decided to do a bit of virtual shopping for imaginary friends. This got me thinking about who I would want to be friends with from the world of TV! My first virtual gift was the No7Beautifier from Boots and the imaginary friend I would purchase this for it Kelly from Misfits!
I absolutely love Kelly. Her facial expressions and one- liners are hilarious! She is who she is, is confident with it and completely unapologetic about being herself. You also know that if you were mates with Kelly she would always watch your back.
The brown shades would compliment her jump suit
Ok, so I have to admit I wouldn’t normally associate with murders but it was always self- defense! There is no way you could borrow any of her clothes or jewelry but so what, I love her! I think the Boots No7 Beautifier would be perfect for her. The mascara would emphasis her super long lashes and the brown shades compliment the color of her community payback overalls. I’d be tempted to buy her an eyeliner to accompany the set because she is a fan of the overdone eyeliner look.