Politics Magazine

Violence at KKK Rally in Anaheim

Posted on the 28 February 2016 by Calvinthedog

Fighting broke out between KKK marchers and antiracist counterdemostrators at a KKK rally in Anaheim. Three people were stabbed. One is in critical condition. 13 people were arrested.

Amazing. Fascist versus antifa rallies breaking out into violence. You would think you were in Germany where these festivities are celebrated on a regular basis.

We are turning into Europe more and more every day.

I come from this region. I know that area very well. We always called it Anal Slime for what it’s worth. But then we always called Garden Grove Garbage Grove too.

I had a girlfriend who lived there once. Her name was KS. She lived on Katella Avenue. She was only 18 years old and looked like a model. I saw her on the Net recently. She is 55 years old and still a total knockout. I should have married that chick.

I have been to Disneyland many times, once when I was 19, out of my head on magic mushrooms. Good times!

I also worked as a “maid” in a motel there once. I think that was when I was 18 also. The boss treated me like complete shit the whole day, berating my manhood. Then at the end of the day she fired me. Unfortunately, I did not kill her as I had left all my weapons at home. What an oversight!

More recently, in 1986, I worked as a strikebreaking scab during a teachers’ strike there.

One thinks of Disneyland when someone says Anaheim, but that place has always been a bit of a slum except for Anaheim Hills, where the 1% live.

And it’s long been known to have a virulent White racist contingent dating back to when I hung out there actually long before, all the way back to 100 years ago. The Klan actually ran the Anaheim City Government until 1924. 90% of the officers in the Anaheim Police Department were Klansmen. Anaheim’s leading newspaper, the the Plain Dealer, was a strong supporter of the Klan. Klansman patrolled the police, questioning passerby. One Anaheim Klan rally attracted 20,000 people. 90% of the cops in the Anaheim Police Department were Klansmen.The  police force always had a horrible reputation for police brutality, possibly related to its Klan legacy. Not sure if that changed.

Last time I was there, it was full of Mexicans, and in fact, the city, now 52% Latino and 28% White, has seceded from the US and joined Mexifornia. The White percentage is about the same as in this incorporated slum of 50,000 that I call my home. 28-29% Whites probably sounds awful to a lot of White people, but it is actually a quite livable number.

It’s just enough Whites to keep the city running fairly smoothly and to keep it from falling apart altogether. You do not need a vast percentage of Whites to hold down the fort.

There are some small towns around here which have gone almost 100% Hispanic and the result has been something that looks like societal collapse, or maybe Mexico, which is really the same thing. These Mexicans need Whites more than they think. We’re the main reason that so many of the cities that they gather in are halfway livable at all.

This city has always been run by rich White farmers, often Italians, Portuguese, Spaniards abd Greeks. Rich White farmers run this city to this very day.Incredibly enough, this city was majority Italian in 1970! Before the invasion, that is. There’s still an old weather-beaten Italian-American Club downtown.

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