Life Coach Magazine

Veterans and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder #Infographic

By Bren @Virtual_Bren
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You may remember Nataly’s informative post on Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Learning About Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder #INFOGRAPHIC #VIDEO previously this month. If you haven’t read Nataly’s article, I highly recommend it. Today I want to focus on Veterans and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

A Veteran is defined as:

  • a person who has had long service or experience in an occupation,office, or the like;
  • a person who has served in a military force, especially one who has fought in a war.

Veterans and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

For all intents and purposes of this article, we are referring to a person who has served in a military force, especially one who has fought or experienced war.

What it it?

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can occur after you’ve been through a traumatic event. We all know anyone can suffer a traumatic event, however, we are speaking strictly about those in the Military. Those Military members who have been in Combat situations or exposure are greatly at risk of developing symptoms of PTSD.

Developing PTSD

This depends on several things:

  • How intense the trauma was or how long it lasted
  • If you were injured or someone else you knew
  • How strong your reaction
  • How close you were

What are some of the symptoms

Of course symptoms can be different per individual but these are the most frequently found:

  • Always on Alert (Hyperarousal) – Trouble sleeping or focusing. Jittery. On the lookout for danger.
  • Avoiding Situations – Avoid talking about the traumatic event. Avoid people who remind you of the trauma.
  • Flashbacks – Nightmares of reliving the event or thinking of the bad memories.
  • Feelings of Guilt, Fear, or Shame

My family suffers

My spouse is a Veteran of the United States Air Force. He is one that suffers from PTSD. It developed during his 21 years of service but most prominently from his last tour in Iraq. The very day he returned from his deployment to Iraq, I knew he was a changed man. The man I married and loved was not the same. To this date, he remains emotional distant and will not talk about the events that occurred there. In the past eight (8) years, he has told me bits and pieces but I do not pry.

He does not like to go to the beach anymore. He doesn’t like to have his back turned to the open. Fireworks or other loud noises may startle him. At night, I know when he’s dreaming. His body will twitch or jump and he mumbles. Trust me when I say, I wish I had my old husband back. I love this man however, he is somewhat of an empty shell of what he once was.

But we continue to forge on.

Let’s look at this infographic

Today's GoFigure looks at incidence of PTSD among America's military veterans.


Can you believe the statistics? Those who served in Iraq and Afghanistan are affected almost as much as Vietnam? Now I know you have heard the horror stories about the Veterans of Nam. To imagine Iraq and Afghanistan almost as horrible, is frightening to me. To know our fellow brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, and spouses are sacrificing their lives for our Freedom and  return home, if they return at all, saddened, depressed, scared and scarred for life is heart-wrenching.

One way to help is an organization that strives to Help Families Connect Despite PTSD. I follow along with them on Facebook and it is truly a great group of individuals. Most recently, they developed these signs for Combat Veterans in hopes to spread awareness to those around them.

Combat Veteran Lives Here from MilitaryWithPTSD.Org

I received our sign Friday and Cranky installed it today. I’m so happy that we can share with our neighbors and ask them to Please Be Courteous with the Fireworks.

Combat Veteran Lives Here from MilitaryWithPTSD.Org

If you know a Veteran that suffers from PTSD and specifically fireworks or loud noises, you can send them this sign. There is no guarantee that the Veteran will receive it by the 4th of July, however, they will have it for future holidays including Labor Day.

Send a Sign to a Veteran for $7.50 or $10.00


Buy a Sign for a Veteran for $10.00

I am very thankful to for spreading PTSD awareness. There are also links on their sites to purchase Books about PTSD or Get Involved!

Over to you

Do you know a Veteran who suffers from PTSD? If so, what are their symptoms? Have you been able to help him/her?

I’d love to hear from you.

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