I'm a big smoothie person. Meaning every time I see an amazing looking smoothie I want to make it.
The making of smoothies, however, happens much less often than I would like.

Coincidentally when we saw this smoothie the other day we got right out of our chairs and hopped to it.
Hopefully this is a new trend.

This recipe calls for chocolate covered bananas but we didn't bother with that.
Instead we went crazy with the PB :)
Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Shake Recipe by Kathy of Happy. Healthy. Life.
2 bananas, frozen
1/2 cup frozen strawberries or frozen watermelon (this adds iciness)1 heaping Tbsp cocoa powder (unsweetened..)1/2 cup almond milk, (sweet vanilla-date flavor, or substitute another vegan milk)**
2-3 pinches cinnamon
1 Tbsp peanut or almond butter (for blender)
1 1/2 Tbsp peanut or almond butter to swirl in as you pour your shake (softened - microwave a few seconds to make drizzle-able if needed)
optional: 1 scoop of your fave protein powder
**Add a few splashes more liquid if needed to blend (depends on what blender you are using) For the shake, simply add all the ingredients to your blender and start blending. To serve, drizzle softened nut butter in between the layers of chocolate shake and over top. Garnish with a frozen banana. You will have plenty of leftover dipped chocolate bananas, store them in the freezer.