Food & Drink Magazine

Vada Curry Recipe - Using Steamed Vada

By Ramya21

vada curry recipe with step by step pictures - easy steamed version

vada curry recipe - using steamed vada

vada curry or vadakari which is a gravy based recipe made with either fried lentil vadas or with steamed vadas.I already shared the recipe of making with fried vadas,you can check that for the quick version.This is made with less oil as the vadas are steamed crumbled and then added to the recipe.You can make this recipe with leftover masala vadas too,it will tastes more flavorful and a quick version too.

After shifted to pune,i rarely made this recipe and i really missing the flavors and aroma from the spices.I made this recipe without ginger garlic paste as you are adding ginger and garlic in vada itself.If you do not want those flavors then simply remove it and make it.I avoided garlic in vada batter as i did not want to make it garlicky as we did for masala vadas.

vada curry recipe - using steamed vada

Here comes the step pictorial of the recipe.,

  • soak 250 gms kadalai paruppu/bengal gram with enough water for 30 minutes.Then drain the water and take that in a blender with a teaspoon of fennel seeds and 2 dry red chilli.
  • Ground it to a coarse paste without adding water.Take the paste in the bowl and add asafoetida and salt for the vadas.
  • Prepare the steamer with enough water and place the steamer plate over it.Grease the plate with few drops oil.
  • Place the vadas in the plate and steam cook for 10 to 12 minutes.Remove the vadas and cool it completely.

vada curry recipe - using steamed vada

  • Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in a kadai and add mustard seeds,black gram seeds,cinnamon stick ,fennel seeds and bay leaf(optional).
  • Once it splutters add finely chopped onions,tomatoes,slit green chilli,finely chopped ginger and saute it well till all get done.

vada curry recipe - using steamed vada

  • Add enough salt,red chilli powder,turmeric powder,coriander powder to it and give a good mix.
  • Meanwhile crumble or cut the vadas into rough pieces and keep it ready.

vada curry recipe - using steamed vada

  • Add enough water to the masala as the vadas absorbs the water quickly after adding,so add extra water to make it like a gravy.
  • Once it starts boiling add the crumbled vadas and cover the kadai with a lid.Keep in medium flame and cook for 3 to 4 minutes.
  • After that you can able to see the oil floating on top and the water is much absorbed by the vadas.
  • Switch off the flame and add asafoetida and coriander leaves and give a mix.

vada curry recipe - using steamed vada

    serve piping hot with idli,dosa adn pongal too.We had this last weekend with pongal.

vada curry recipe - using steamed vada

vada curry recipe

vada curry recipe - using steamed vada

gravy recipe made with steamed lentil cakes,onions,tomatoes and spices

  • kadalai paruppu/bengal gram - 250 gm
  • onion - 2 finely chopped
  • tomato - 2 finely chopped
  • green chilli - 1 slit
  • ginger,fienly chopped - 1 teaspoon
  • asafoetida - a pinch for both vada and gravy
  • fennel seeds - 1 teaspoon each for both vada and gravy
  • mustard seeds -,bay leaf,cinnamon stick,black gram seeds - for tempering
  • dry red chilli - 2 nos for vada
  • tumeric powder - 1/4 teaspoon
  • red chilli powder - 1/2 teaspoon
  • coriander powder - 1 teaspoon
  • oil - 1 tablespoon
  • salt - to taste
  • coriander leaves - as needed
  1. soak 250 gms kadalai paruppu/bengal gram with enough water for 30 minutes.Then drain the water and take that in a blender with a teaspoon of fennel seeds and 2 dry red chilli.
  2. Ground it to a coarse paste without adding water.Take the paste in the bowl and add asafoetida and salt for the vadas.
  3. Prepare the steamer with enough water and place the steamer plate over it.Grease the plate with few drops oil.
  4. Place the vadas in the plate and steam cook for 10 to 12 minutes.Remove the vadas and cool it completely.
  5. Heat 1 tablespoon of oil in a kadai and add mustard seeds,black gram seeds,cinnamon stick ,fennel seeds and bay leaf(optional).
  6. Once it splutters add finely chopped onions,tomatoes,slit green chilli,finely chopped ginger and saute it well till all get done.
  7. Add enough salt,red chilli powder,turmeric powder,coriander powder to it and give a good mix.
  8. Meanwhile crumble or cut the vadas into rough pieces and keep it ready.
  9. Add enough water to the masala as the vadas absorbs the water quickly after adding,so add extra water to make it like a gravy.
  10. Once it starts boiling add the crumbled vadas and cover the kadai with a lid.Keep in medium flame and cook for 3 to 4 minutes.
  11. After that you can able to see the oil floating on top and the water is much absorbed by the vadas.
  12. Switch off the flame and add asafoetida and coriander leaves and give a mix.

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