Happy Friday! In just a few short hours I will officially be on vacation for a week! Can you tell I’m a bit excited? I still have that fancy schmancy event to go to tonight (and my Rent the Runway dress came in!!!) but that will be more fun than work! So let’s get to a little fun on this fabulous Friday shall we?
My friend Mike nominated me for a Liebster Award! I’ve done this a few times here and here but here are some new questions so you can learn even more about me!

1. What is your current health related goal?
This is actually what I am struggling with the most right now, I don’t have a really concrete goal which is why my workouts aren’t really exciting me. I guess my goal is always to improve my fitness and continue to stay healthy and strong but not having a short term goal is bother the heck out of me.
2. What is your biggest irrational fear?
That something terrible will happen to Ashton and he will be gone from our lives. I’ve even had a few nightmares about it and woken up drenched in sweat, completely panicked and crying. It’s a terrible feeling. I worry WAY more now than I ever did before, and I used to worry a lot before!
3. Do you enjoy wrapping presents?
I actually do and am always the designated wrapper in our house and I used to help my Dad with all his wrapping as well. I actually love wrapping gifts (just not the back aches that follow.) I don’t get into all the bows and ribbons and stuff but being able to wrap a gift for someone and watch them open it is a great joy. I’d rather wrap and give than receive.
4. What’s your favorite cross training activity?
At this very moment, I am going to say spinning, but you all know I love yoga a ton too!
5. If I came to visit you, what would we do?
Well, as my visitor I’d let you pick what we would do, but I’d love to go for a run with you, then maybe spend the day walking around/exploring Boston, stopping in to a cafe for a drink, eating meals at some of the incredible places here and of course talking non-stop along the way!
6. You have 2 weeks off of work and 2 round trip plane tickets to ANYWHERE. Where would you go and who would you take?
The place is harder than the who. Of course I’d pick Robyn (and because I can never follow rules, Ashton too!) I’d likely pick Australia, a few places in Asia or South Africa. I have a lot of places on my bucket list that need at least 2 weeks to explore!
7. What’s the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you during a run or race?
I don’t have anything good for this one (yet and now I am sure I have jinxed myself). No epic falls or funny stories about how I got caught peeing in the woods. I am a boring runner.
8. Tell me the 3 best days of your life. Or at least the first 3 that pop into your mind.
The day I married Robyn, the last day I (unknowingly) spent with my Dad and the day Ashton was born.
9. Okay, you HAVE to eat a fast food meal. What restaurant would you choose and what would you order?
I’m going with Mike here and saying Panera. I’d order the chicken soup and Thai salad combo, I love it! It’s the only “fast food” place I will go to.
10. Have you ever met a celebrity?
Yes, a few and spoken to quick a few of them. One of my earlier jobs right out of college was at a client who serviced the American Express Centurion (the black card) account. I was assigned to a bunch of really high-profile celebrities that I spoke to often on the phone. Oh the stories I have….
11. Share a picture of yourself in non workout clothes!
I spend most of my days in regular, non-workout clothes. Unless I am lounging at home in the evenings, I actually don’t like to be in workout type attire unless I am actually working out. Lounging in yoga pants is comfy, but it’s almost too comfy for me and I get lazy. Yeah, yeah, I’m weird, we have already established this!

12. If you could choose to have a ‘do-over’ and switch careers, what would you choose and why?
Hmm..I actually think I am right where I am supposed to be. I was initially going to go to law school right out of undergrad and am SO happy I didn’t, I just don’t think that is a life I’d be happy with (I guess it’s all in relation to how I know my life is right now, I mean, I usually make the best out of most situations, so maybe I would be happy?). BUT, if I was to do it all over again differently, I would most definitely not have met Robyn and had Ashton and there is nothing in this world, no amount of fame or fortune I’d trade over them…so I guess no, I’m exactly where I belong.
13. If you won the Olympic Gold Medal – how do you think you would react?
How random is this question?? And when did pop culture trivia become an Olympic sport?

14. What do you want for Christmas?
This is the question I have been asked most in the past 48 hours. Honestly, I am the worst at this because I am THAT person who buys themselves everything they want. If I want/need something I just get it for myself so when the time comes for xmas or my birthday I have nothing to offer others in terms of suggestions. I actually love gift cards so I can get more clothes (which clearly won’t help my closet issue.) A new pair of my favorite running shoes is always a good gift!
15. What skill do you lack?
Oh where do I begin? HA! I really lack any artistic skill, I really wish I was more creative/artistic.
Hmmm.. Mike already took my friend Suz…so here are some more bloggers I love!
Kristy @ Runaway Bridal Planner
Lacey & Meranda @ Fairytales and Fitness
Hailey @ Striding Strong
Jenna @ Little Green Running Shoes
Helly @ Helly on the Run
Salt @ Run Salt Run
Lauren @ Lauren’s Glass Slipper
Sue @ This Mama Runs for Cupcakes
Julia @ Vegas Mother Runner
Scott @ Piratebobcat
Happy Friday, have an awesome weekend..and if you are racing, good luck!
Question of the day
Answer one of the questions above…and tell me what’s on your agenda for the weekend!