Books Magazine

V-Day, Conservative College & Daughters Who Make Me Proud

By Anovelsource @thenovellife


When people hear that 1 in 3 women will be physically or sexually assaulted, the typical response is “no way! that’s just an overblown statistic!”  And when you consider I have two daughters the statistic becomes oh too real.  Between the three of us. . .well, you get the picture.

My children are my world and to think of anything bad happening to them just makes me physically sick.  You see, to me, my girls are pretty phenomenal.  For quite a few reasons {bear with me while I be a proud mama for a sec}  Both are smart, unique, beautiful, compassionate, adventurous, and all around pretty darn amazing.  And . . .

Both are involved with agencies that serve women who are victims.

Erica {oldest & mom to the Little Monkey} is a senior at University of North Georgia.  She is also President of the Latin American Student Association and former intern/current volunteer at Rape Response.  She came up with the idea to host a V-Day event at the conservative military college ~ The Vagina Monologues will be presented next weekend, hopefully to a sold out crowd.  Which, by the way, if you’re in the area April 3rd or 4th come join us!


l-r: Erica, me, Gabrielle

Gabrielle is a junior at University of North Georgia and works with NOA – No One Alone, the local battered women’s shelter.  All of the proceeds from The Vagina Monologues event at UNG will be donated to NOA.  As you can see, I have so much to be proud of ~ my girls are dedicated to serving others and making the world a better place.

So what exactly is V-Day?

 A global movement to end violence against women; inspired by the stunning Eve Ensler with her award-winning The Vagina Monologues.  

Please consider making a donation.  Today is the last day it will be featured on Kickstarter.  Your gift would make a tremendous difference in the lives of the young ladies dedicated to bring about awareness and change to the way women are treated the world over AND will help support our local battered women’s shelter that does so much to bring about lasting change to battered women and their children.

Thank YOU dear Lovely Reader for your compassion. . .and for humoring me a moment of proud mommy hood.


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