
Barbara J. Peters is a gifted communicator with a laser beam ability to cut through the tangle of personal drama to get results and relationships that last a lifetime.
In her first book, The Gift of A Lifetime: Building a Marriage that Lasts, Barbara lends insight from her years of experience as a couples’ counselor to give people those essential tools and guide them on successfully using them. “When that happens, love and respect are restored and couples can reclaim a fulfilling relationship,” she explains. The messages in the book can make the difference between having a second honeymoon or seeking a divorce attorney.
In her second book, Barbara focuses directly on the issues of communication, trust, forgiveness, intimacy, acceptance, friendship, and love, with a unique approach from three perspectives: The man’s, the woman’s, and
Barbara’s (the counselor’s). He Said, She Said, I Said is a book that truly shows how one’s thoughts can impact behavior and create misunderstanding.
In her third book, recently released in May 2013, Barbara tires her hand at romance. Never Too Old for Romance is a novel about a mature woman who goes on a life changing journey into herself when an email appears from an old high school classmate, of over 40 years ago. Her life changed on a dime, only she didn’t know it then, taking her down a path of love, romance, pain, confusion and then a miraculous transformation.
Barbara received a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from C.W. Post College of Long Island University, a Bachelor of Sciences in Nursing from Stony Brook University, and earned a Master of Science in Counseling from Georgia State University. She is certified by the National Board of Certified Counselors and a member of The Licensed Professional Counselors of Georgia.Barbara’s (the counselor’s). He Said, She Said, I Said is a book that truly shows how one’s thoughts can impact behavior and create misunderstanding.
Barbara’s books can be purchased on Her eBooks are available at for purchase there. Please sign up to get your free chapter.
The Gift of a Lifetime
Marriage & relationship blog
Still Believe in Fairy Tales?
Think back a bit, all those who are enjoying the fourth, fifth or sixth decade of life.Remember when you were a tween or teen and first discovered the opposite... Read more
Posted on 04 October 2011 LOVE & SEX, RELATIONSHIPS -
Radio Interviews with Barbara J. Peters
Barbara J. Peters shares her insights and experience as a relationship expert, couples counselor and author with radio show hosts throughout the U.S. on blog... Read more
Posted on 04 October 2011 LOVE & SEX, RELATIONSHIPS -
Out of Sight, But Never Out of Mind
Some people do it when lilacs blossom, some people do it when autumn leaves fall, and some really ambitious people do it as part of every Saturday chore list!Me? Read more
Posted on 30 September 2011 LOVE & SEX, RELATIONSHIPS -
Ugly is as Ugly Does
Is it ever okay to be nasty or ugly to someone you love, specifically your partner? The short answer is no, but it happens, probably way too often. Read more
Posted on 27 September 2011 LOVE & SEX, RELATIONSHIPS -
We’re Different by Design
Just an observation of mine – it seems many women hang onto bad relationships far longer than they should. The question isn’t necessarily why they hang on, but... Read more
Posted on 23 September 2011 LOVE & SEX, RELATIONSHIPS -
What is a Soul Mate?
Wikipedia defines soul mate as, “A person with whom one has a feeling of deep or natural affinity, similarity, love, intimacy, sexuality, spirituality, or... Read more
Posted on 20 September 2011 LOVE & SEX, RELATIONSHIPS -
Don’t Worry Be Happy
Remember the cheerful tune from the movie Cocktails that could bring a smile to any un-sunny day? It’s true, we shouldn’t spend our time worrying – we should... Read more
Posted on 17 September 2011 LOVE & SEX, RELATIONSHIPS -
The 7 Minute Breakup
Most intimate relationships have a beginning, middle, and end. When you reach the end, is there a proper way to end a relationship? Do you think it depends on... Read more
Posted on 15 September 2011 LOVE & SEX, RELATIONSHIPS -
What’s Wrong With A Cheap Date?
So what’s wrong with being a cheap date . . . in the best sense of the word, of course! With hard times upon us all, it’s still important to have fun!Date... Read more
Posted on 11 September 2011 LOVE & SEX, RELATIONSHIPS