The US has been supporting ISIS for a long time now. Recently in Deir ez Zour, the US and ISIS coordinated an attack Syria’s forces. The US worked together with ISIS and told them of an upcoming US bombing attacks on Assad’s forces. ISIS was then able to coordinate their attack. They attacked only seven minutes after the bombing had started. They could not have done that unless they had advance warning of the bombing, so the US had to have communicated to ISIS that the bombing was going to take place. The combined US-ISIS attack on Assad left 80 soldiers dead.
The Pentagon later lied and said the attack was a “mistake.” It could not have been a mistake in a thousand years. The US had drones over the strike area for three days prior to the bombing. The jets came in with their transponders on to disable the Syrians’ radar. This attack was ordered by scumbag Ashton Carter, a warmongering psychopathic freak who ran the Pentagon under Obama. Ash Carter ordered this attack in order to end the US-Russian coordination agreement that had been reached earlier. We had word that a lot of the Pentagon people were furious about having to work with Russia so they deliberately sabotaged the agreement and this lying attack was one of the methods they used.
This coordinated attack also shows how closely the US and ISIS work together in Syria.
The latest Nazi-like war on aggression launched on Syria in which 70 cruise missiles were fired at a Syrian airbase. This was the airbase that Assad used to attack ISIS, so taking out the one base Assad used against ISIS shows once again how the US is working with and supporting ISIS in Syria.