Here’s Elliot U-Locked to the Koch Bros, you know, because he loves them so much
from Earth First! News
Friend and comrade Elliot Hughes was arrested Thursday evening as he left the Albany Bulb.
From the GoFundMe page: This comes in the wake of the arrest of two of the last bulb residents and the destruction of their house, as well as the arrest of two other Bulb supporters.
Elliot is being hit with multiple trumped up charges, including possessing tools to escape from jail and possession of weapons, both felonies, as well as two misdemeanors. His bail is set at $65,000, which means that we need $6,500 to bond him. Please support!
Hughes has been on the frontlines of campaigns against the eviction of the Albany Bulb, as well as the ecocide wreaked by the Koch Bros.
He has been targeted by police for his extensive and effective involvement in environmental justice campaigns throughout California.
Although the charges are not likely to stick, the police state is trying to make a demoralizing point. Let’s hit them back by supporting Elliot and getting him out of jail ASAP.