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Up...Up and Away!

By Therelishedroost
Up...Up and Away!
We aren not in Kansas anymore! That's what I thought after my husband convinced me to take a balloon ride. I know this post has nothing to do with design, and I promise to get back to reality tomorrow. However,  I had to share this experience.  My husband asked for a ballon ride for his 50th birthday which was this last March. I am not fond of heights but I felt badly and gave him a gift certificate to Hunterdon Ballooning. Now that Summer had passed I thought he had forgotten about my gift....  I guess not! Yesterday we went for our first Balloon ride.It was actually really beautiful and I cannot believe I am saying this, but I think I would do it again!
Up...Up and Away!
Up...Up and Away!
Up...Up and Away!
Up...Up and Away!
Up...Up and Away!
Up...Up and Away!
Up...Up and Away!

Up...Up and Away!

The balloon Captain's son was in an ultralight glider taking photos of us!!

Up...Up and Away!


Up...Up and Away!

The lovely Neighborhood we landed in!

Up...Up and Away!

We actually skimmed this roof line and the trackers had to drag the balloon to the front yard in order to deflate it! What an experience, if you haven't ballooned, sign up now!

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