Gardening Magazine

Update: June 1 - 15, 2013

By Scarecrow
Update: June 1 - 15, 2013Fungi is sprouting everywhere...the old rotting wood wet from rain has sprouted!
Weather Highlights:
Lowest Min 1.8C
Highest Max 13.9C
54  mm Rain
All I've got to say about the weather is that it is cold and wet but it is winter now so we have to expect cold weather...
Potting On/Up:

Pansy Mini Comedy Mixed F2 Viola wittrockiana
Lettuce Green and Red Salad Mix
NZ Spinach Tetragonia tetragonoides volunteers from the Herb Spiral
Planting out:
White Onion Seedlings (purchased) into Beds 8 and 3
Red Clover seedlings planted around the Orange tree in the Old Chook Run Garden
Coreopsis, Coriander and Calendula seedlings into the Herb Bed by the Fridge Beds
Hyssop Hyssopus officinalis next to the Grapevine in  the Herb Bed by the Fridge Beds. It is a Companion Plant to Grapevines! See here

Fig Ficus carica after pruning back
Grandfather Sage Salvia apiana

Update: June 1 - 15, 2013I have removed the Dwarf Peas from the back of Bed 3 as they seem to have grown too fast and set pods when small...must have been the warmer weather in Autumn. I managed to fit 2 rows of White Onions seedlings in their place.
Update: June 1 - 15, 2013In Bed 8 I have put a double row of White Onions around the edge of the tank and planted some excess Red Cabbages in the middle...with cabbages in the bed I needed to cover it with more netting.
Update: June 1 - 15, 2013Seedlings of Coreopsis, Coriander and Calendula as well as a small Hyssop have been planted around the birdbath in the new Herb Bed next to the fridge beds!

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