Food & Drink Magazine

Unskinny Pop –pers

By Kalamitykelli @venuscorpiogirl

Unskinny Pop –pers

Okay, the poppers aren’t perfect and they are fattening – but they are oh so good! I’ve always been up front about my domestic impairment so you shouldn’t be surprised. I bet most all of you could do this and they would come out magazine-cover perfect. I consider my imperfection in cooking a free public service that I offer to you, my viewers, making you feel better about your own skills. I’m pretty good at rationalizations, aren’t I?

I bought this nifty pepper holder at my local gourmet kitchen shop for about $11.

Unskinny Pop –pers

These are the ingredients that you will need:

Jalapenos Cored and seeded. If you like them really HOT leave in the seeds.

Cream Cheese

Shredded Cheese


Unskinny Pop –pers

Core the peppers and stuff with different kinds of cheese:

You can just stuff with cream cheese or shredded cheese or both.

Unskinny Pop –pers

Wrap some bacon around them and secure with a toothpick:

Unskinny Pop –pers

Bake in a 350 F degree oven for about 30 minutes and you are done!

Unskinny Pop –pers

Unskinny Pop –pers

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