Health Magazine

Two Minute Work Out

Posted on the 02 January 2016 by Dave Nevue

If you only have two minutes to spare and your body longs for some exercise you should do push-ups. By doing push-ups, you exercise your arms, chest, shoulders and your abdominals. You are toning your upper body while you are challenging your core muscles in the same way as if you were planking. Many women don't think they are strong enough to do push-ups on their toes and they continue doing them on their knees year after year, but in fact once you have challenged yourself to do them on your toes it will soon get easier. In the meantime your body will become stronger and more toned. Best thing: You'll feel super strong!

Use those two precious minutes to do 3 sets of 15 push-ups.

PLEASE NOTE that you should not be doing push-ups if you haven't recovered your strenght and health after pregnancy! Your post-pregnancy belly needs healing and rehabilitation before doing challenging exercise like push-ups.

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