I thought I would start a new series on my blog called *Tube Drama*, I get the tube into London most days and nearly every day something interesting/stupid/wired happens. Don't get me wrong the tube can be an enjoyable place to be, I'm in no way slagging it off or giving it a bad name. And it's definitely the best form of transport in London. But from time to time idiots (I mean real idiots) use the tube, especially the central line it seems...
On my travels today I took my usual route to work which involved the ever so "
I shuffled myself into the middle standing area in-between the seats, out of everyone's way. I held onto the "monkey bars" for dear life because some tube drivers like to drive quite fast. I was stood in-between two Ladies, both around my age group, one casually dressed and the other quite smart. (Vital information) At Holborn Station the train tried to move out of the station but it did that annoying thing, when the train starts and then abruptly stops. During this time I slightly lost my grip and made a step backwards, stepping on the smartly dressed ladies foot. She decided to yelp out a massive *OUCH*.
I know exactly how she feels, this has happened to me quite a few time but I have NEVER made such a over-dramatic performance in my life. I tend to give the death stare. I could understand if I had heavy boots on or high heeled Stilettos but no I had on a pair of converse. Possible the most lightest shoes on earth.
I apologized to her (like a good girl), but she still proceeded to moan at me about how much pain she was in and that I did it on purpose !!! Causing most people on the tube to look at either her or me...*embarrassing*. Thank god mine was the next stop and I could escape this crazy lady!
I'm still a bit baffled as to why the women reacted like this, I could understand if she wore flip flops but she has actual shoes on. I'm quite light footed too. Also why would I want to stand on your foot on purpose? This makes no sense whatsoever! I'm not that stupid.
Did you have a "Tube Drama" today? Tell me about it?