A lot of people are going to die.
In the US, 250,000 people already die every year from lack of health insurance. Trumpcare will get rid of healthcare for 23 million people while jacking up rates wildly and reducing coverage for everyone else. It’s hard to understand why anyone other than an insurance executive would support this BS. It’s not good for anyone. Even if you keep your insurance, Trumpcare is going to jack your rates up to the ceiling while dramatically reducing your coverage.
What’s in it for you, conservatards? Are you all masochists? Is that it?
“Yes, please, throw me off my healthcare so I die! Yes, please, Mr. Trump, jack up my health insurance rates through the roof and reduce my coverage so I am broke with crap medical insurance!”
The more I study conservatives, the more I think they are flat out masochists. They claim they are out to benefit themselves, but whenever the rich or the corporations want to rip off the people or ream them so hard it hurts, conservatives drop their pants, bend over and say, “Batter up!”
I don’t get it. You idiots like to suffer? You like to get ripped off by corporations. What’s your argument?
“Yes I love capitalism! Yes, this corporation and these rich people are running me through the meat grinder to line their greedy pig pockets, but that’s ok! I love to suffer and lose money and stuff so rich people can have more cash! I love to be impoverished so corporations can make more profits! That’s capitalism, and I’m a capitalist!”
Conservatives are dumbasses!
You scumbags are going to kill and hurt lots of Americans so you can give rich people are big fat tax cut. That’s pure political sociopathy. How do conservatives sleep at night?
PS. Republican Wealthcare is not even very popular with conservatives. Only 19% of Americans support it. It’s so toxic and unpopular that Republicans are holding hearings on it in secret because if anyone finds out what’s really in it, there will be a huge uproar. Trump is phony as usual. He complained that the House version was “mean,” but the Senate bill is almost worse. The House bill throws 24 million people off their healthcare and the Senate bill throws 23 million people off. Hey, that’s progress! But the Senate bill is actually much worse in terms of Medicaid.
Let’s kill hundreds of thousands of people so billionaires can get a huge tax cut! That’s the logic of capitalism right there, folks.
You guys wonder why we are socialists. You wonder why we hate capitalism so much. Read that paragraph above and see why. We socialists are on firm moral ground, I assure you. We sleep very well at night.