Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Trump Watch – What's up Next for 45?

By Solarisastro @solarisastro
Trump Watch – What's up next for 45?

It's been a long while since I looked at the 45 th President of the United States and for us Astrologers he is fascinating simply because so much happens while he's around. As someone born with a Sun Uranus conjunction, he courts controversy and disruption, and that's how he will always operate. Uranus in Gemini is almost schizophrenic in nature - I mean the planet of disruption in the sign of the trickster??!? My wife is a Gemini and she blows hot and cold and you will see all 4 seasons in one day from her, so heavens alone what it must be like to work alongside the erstwhile President? Anyway, back to matters in hand and I will (if I have time) have a look at his chart periodically to see what is on the horizon for him.

Trump Watch – What's up next for 45?

Now I picked this moment as Saturn has just been opposing his natal Sun at 22 degrees Gemini and making an inconjunct to his 11th house Saturn at 23 Cancer. What happened in the past couple of days is that two Republican senators, Bob Corker and Jeff Flake aimed outright criticism at Trump over the manner of his Presidency. Flake said that Trump was guilty of the "flagrant disregard for truth or decency and for reckless provocations, most often for the pettiest and most personal reasons". There has been a veiled running battle between the leader of the Republicans Paul Ryan and Trump, and if you consider that Ryan's Sun at 9 degrees Aquarius directly opposes Trump's Pluto at 10 degrees Leo and his Moon at 24 Libra squares Trump's Saturn at 23 Cancer, then they aren't emotionally on the same page, and they will battle for supremacy. Ryan probably sees Trump undermining (Pluto opposition) his personal position (Sun) and maybe these attacks have been orchestrated in the background by Ryan? The only way his place at the head of the Republican party may be truly safe is if in the long term he gets rid of Trump!! That being by the by, Saturn in the 11th house of groups, parties and associations inconjunct to transiting Saturn with Capricorn ruled by Saturn encased within the 5th house shows Trump being personally and individually criticised for the way he is going about things by his own party and colleagues.

Now Saturn is hitting 24 degrees Sagittarius and the President has his Midheaven at 24 Taurus, Venus at 25 degrees Cancer and his natal Mars at 26 degrees Leo. All these planets and positions are in the firing line in the foreseeable future. Saturn making an inconjunct to the Midheaven, suggests a change in the manner that Trump operates - not likely with stubborn yet disruptive Uranus next to his Sun, or there may be another challenge or problem thrown at him by the Republicans in a drip, drip, almost water torture style dismantling of the relationship between them and him. I see this as a slow wearing down process as the Republican leadership try to chip away at the President to slowly isolate him.

Rereading what I wrote after the inauguration of Donald Trump is even more illuminating now nearly one year into his Presidency. I wrote on 20th January 2017 this...

" Even more interestingly, the Sun in this chart is peregrine, it's separated from the rest of the chart. Do you see that? It's almost as if the President (Sun) is divorced from the rest of the chart. On any birth chart I find that highly significant. In the birth of a child this scenario suggests to me immediately that the father left the family group at some point through death, divorce or other means or maybe was never present from the start. On a Presidential chart, it is highly unusual. There is more to this position. The Sun alone suggests that the individual will often live in their own self contained world. They often find relating to others difficult and they can become self-reliant, aloof and egotistical. There is a big drive to succeed, and to this end they will follow their own agenda to do so. This so describes the incoming President and his CEO character, however it also suggests that the team around Trump are just bit part players, and very incidental to the direction that Administration will travel in. The boss here calls the shots, he directs the traffic but will it be at the expense of the relationship he has with those working on his behalf beneath him? I feel that the Administration is detached from the leader, and in time the job at the top will in this case become a very lonely one. This chart and it's Sun in my eyes hints at a dictatorship rather than a Presidency and that worries me!!! Will this extend to Trump's relationship with his own party, the Republicans too? We will have to wait and see on that one..."

Saturn on 12th November makes an inconjunct to Trump's Venus, again placed in the 11th house and this indicates an adjustment, a change or a separation through some kind of relationship or through the values that both sides have. I think there will be no love lost on the one year anniversary of Trump's victory over Hillary Clinton, indeed there seems to be a lot of bad blood being spilled at this time between the Republicans and the President. Venus rules Trump's third house and also his Midheaven, so will a bill or decision that Trump has made have to be overturned or adjusted, not for the first time I might add. This aspect could also affect his own relationship with his wife Melania, a Taurean born 26/4/70 who is now enduring a very difficult Saturn square to her Pluto plus transiting Pluto exactly opposing her natal Chiron. She will be feeling the pain, and I wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't irritated and playing up in the background. Transiting Uranus will be also square to Donald's natal Venus exact on 8th November, and unexpected events between POTUS & FLOTUS could be on the horizon. At work he will be very disruptive around this time and some sort of controversy could engulf him.

Now the final aspect I am looking at for now comes in the second half of November with transiting Saturn making a trine to natal Mars, and following that his Ascendant at 29 Leo. Here is single minded determination, and we all know what a firebrand, shoot from the hip kinda guy Donald Trump is. I would be slightly concerned about this trine, with Mars ruling Trump's 9th house of overseas connections and relationships. Here is him asserting his authority, directly and forcibly!! I remind you of Margaret Thatcher many years ago who when backed into a corner and criticised over her local tax plans (the council tax was despised when first brought in here in the UK) who won back her credibility by a quirk of fate, as Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands. That war which Thatcher's task force prevailed in restoring the invaded islands to British rule won her authority, and she never looked back for years afterwards. There is nothing like a conflict to pull a country together behind a leader and this may be a moment when President number 45 decides to enlist the use of the military to claw back some support. Watch out especially from the middle of November for this possibility.

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