All of these remarks by Trump about women have been called sexist by feminists, the Cultural Left, and the popular culture at large, which is really just the Cultural Left as we are getting to the point now where the Cultural Left is actually our mainstream culture, which is pretty sorry. The remarks were rated on whether they were really sexist or not, and reasons were given for my opinions. Sexism really does exist. Misogyny is real and an awful lot of men are guilty of it. In fact, you might say that misogyny is the norm in male culture. It’s simply normal when among men to be a sexist pig and have a low view of women. That’s just the way men talk when they get together.
To some extent it’s understandable as women tend to make us insane, but it’s still not ok. You guys don’t like females who hate men, right? Well then, don’t be a woman -hater. Anyway, I feel that most of the serious complaints against women are due to things women cannot help. Their brains just work in a certain way and most male complaints about women seem to be due to women’s brains working in exactly the way they are programmed to work. In other words, I don’t think there is a whole lot women can do about this stuff and I doubt if they are deliberately going out of their way to act horrible when they act bad. They probably do not have a lot of control over it, and to some extent, women, like men, are probably prisoners of our biology.
Comments welcome.
“I would never buy Ivana any decent jewels or pictures. Why give her negotiable assets?” Sexist – lousy attitude to have towards your wife.
That women are essentially aesthetically-pleasing objects: In his 2006 book Trump 101: The Way to Success, Trump wrote: “Beauty and elegance, whether in a woman, a building, or a work of art, is not just superficial or something pretty to see.” Not sexist – true.
That sexual assault in the military is totally expected. 26,000 unreported sexual assaults in the military-only 238 convictions. What did these geniuses expect when they put men & women together? Not sexist – true.
That women on The Apprentice need to rely on sex appeal. “It’s certainly not groundbreaking news that the early victories by the women on The Apprentice were to a very large extent dependent on their sex appeal.” Sexist – was the show supposed to be about how sexy the women were?
That bad press doesn’t matter as long as you have a sexy girlfriend. “You know, it doesn’t really matter what [the media] write as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass.” Sexist – poor taste and a lousy way to talk about your woman.
That a woman MUST be hot in order to be a journalist. “I mean, we could say politically correct that look doesn’t matter, but the look obviously matters,” Trump said to a female reporter in a clip featured on Last Week Tonight. “Like you wouldn’t have your job if you weren’t beautiful.” Sexist – sex appeal should not be a factor in whether a woman is a good journalist or not.
That pumping breast milk is “disgusting.” When a lawyer facing Trump in 2011 asked for a break to pump breast milk for her infant daughter, The Donald reacted very poorly. “He got up, his face got red, he shook his finger at me, and he screamed, ‘You’re disgusting, you’re disgusting,’ and he ran out of there,” attorney Elizabeth Beck told CNN. Trump’s attorney does not dispute that his client called Beck “disgusting.” Sexist – lousy attitude towards breastfeeding.
That all women hate prenups because they are gold diggers. “The most difficult aspect of the prenuptial agreement is informing your future wife (or husband): I love you very much, but just in case things don’t work out, this is what you will get in the divorce. There are basically three types of women and reactions. One is the good woman who very much loves her future husband solely for himself but refuses to sign the agreement on principle. I fully understand this, but the man should take a pass anyway and find someone else. The other is the calculating woman who refuses to sign the prenuptial agreement because she is expecting to take advantage of the poor, unsuspecting sucker she’s got in her grasp. There is also the woman who will openly and quickly sign a prenuptial agreement in order to make a quick hit and take the money given to her.” Sexist – probably not all women are this avaricious.
That women have a “great act” going on to trick men. “Women have one of the great acts of all time. The smart ones act very feminine and needy, but inside they are real killers. The person who came up with the expression ‘the weaker sex’ was either very naive or had to be kidding. I have seen women manipulate men with just a twitch of their eye — or perhaps another body part.” Not sexist – true.
That Hillary would be a bad president because of her husband’s actions. “If Hilary Clinton can’t satisfy her husband, how can she satisfy America?” Sexist – the behavior of her husband has nothing to do with how good of a President she would be. Poor taste to imply that she is lousy in bed.
That Angelina Jolie has dated too many guys to be attractive. “[Angelina Jolie’s] been with so many guys she makes me look like a baby… And, I just don’t even find her attractive.” Sexist – slut shaming.
That Bette Midler’s “ugly face and body” are offensive. While @BetteMidler is an extremely unattractive woman, I refuse to say that because I always insist on being politically correct. Sexist – that is not a good reason to dislike a person.
That Rosie O’Donnell is “crude, rude, obnoxious and dumb. My favorite part [of ‘Pulp Fiction’] is when Sam has his gun out in the diner, and he tells the guy to tell his girlfriend to shut up. Tell that bitch to be cool. Say: ‘Bitch be cool.’ I love those lines.” Sexist – Lousy way to talk to women on a habitual basis.
That a journalist who offended him had an ugly face. New York Times columnist Gail Collins recalled: “During one down period, I referred to him in print as a ‘financially embattled thousandaire’ and he sent me a copy of the column with my picture circled and ‘The Face of a Dog!’ written over it.” Sexist – her looks are not of any importance.
That Cher is ‘lonely’ and ‘a loser’ because she doesn’t support him. @cher should spend more time focusing on her family and dying career! “Cher is an average talent who’s out of touch with reality,” he said in a 2012 Fox News interview. “Cher is somewhat of a loser. She’s lonely. She’s unhappy. She’s very miserable.” Not sexist – he does not like this person. Has nothing to do with the fact that she is a woman.
That women fawn all over him because he is rich and powerful. “Love him or hate him, Donald Trump is a man who is certain about what he wants and sets out to get it, no holds barred,” Trump said about himself one time. “Women find his power almost as much of a turn-on as his money.” Not sexist – probably true.
That the ladies on “The Apprentice” are all super into him. “All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me — consciously or unconsciously. That’s to be expected.” Not sexist – possibly true.