Technically, Trump is not a fascist. Yet. But he’s close enough for me. I believe that Trump is the most fascist president this nation has ever had. We have never been this close to fascism before.
Trump is a Proto-Fascist or Pre-Fascist
Experts on fascism say that Trump is a rightwing populist. But when you go further right from rightwing populism, the next stop is overt fascism. Rightwing populism is just a way station on the Fascist Highway. Others have called him a pre-fascist or a proto-fascist. All fascism experts agree that Trump shows a number of fascist characteristics in spades. There’s just not enough to make the full diagnosis. But as he cements his dictatorship, his underlying brown t-shirt may become increasingly clear. Anyone who cannot see the fascist elements in Trump and for that matter, the criminal organization called the Republican Party does not know the meaning of the term.
Trump’s Objective Racism and Bigotry against Blacks, Hispanics and Muslims
Trump has been quite hostile to US Blacks, and the recent Holocaust Memorial statement was odd towards Jews. Trump got sued for housing discrimination against Blacks. His father engaged in housing discrimination against Blacks for decades. His Dad was also a White Supremacist, worse, an out and out Nordicist. Trump’s father was a member of the KKK and participated in anti-Catholic and anti-Italian riots in New York in the 1920’s.
Trump has nominated a very racist man, Mr. Sessions, for Attorney General. His hostility to Blacks has been palpable his whole career. The mere act of nominating Sessions as Atty General shows extreme hostility towards Blacks.
Trump called a Black man at one of his rallies a thug and told supporters to throw him out. Actually he was a Trumpster himself.
Trump got into a huge fight with John Lewis the civil rights icon soon after his election. On Martin Luther King Day of all days, he sent out tweets bashing Lewis. He also declined to make a statement about MLK as is usual or to pay a visit to the MLK Museum. The symbolism is not hard to figure out.
Trump is obviously extremely hostile to Muslims bordering on the fanatical.
Trump seems to be displaying an awful lot of racism against Mexicans and Mexican-Americans. He called them criminals and rapists in his speeches.
Trump’s right-hand man Bannon took over the Breitbart website and soon turned it much more racist. There were articles celebrating the Confederate flag and there is a section of the site called “Black Crime.” Bannon openly stated that he wished his site to be the flagship of the White Supremacist Alt Right. Under Bannon’s tenure, the site became much more racist against Blacks and hostile to gays and feminists. A Jewish former editor said the comments section became overrun with open Alt Right White Supremacists under Bannon’s tenure. Bannon stated in the past that we should restrict voting to property owners only. He noted that this would considerably reduce the Black vote and Bannon said that would be a good thing.
The Alt Right, of which Bannon says his website is the flagship website, is an actual fascist grouping whose end goal is indeed fascism, the real deal. So Bannon has lined himself up with actual fascists with a fascist project for the country.
I am dubious that Bannon is actually an out and out White Supremacist, and I think a lot of the Left’s charges against him and Breitbart are idiotic.
Trump’s cabinet is almost 100% White men. There are not even many Jews.