Yesterday after work I got home, touched up my makeup and hair (which was a little bit of a waste of time as it was pouring down with rain and I had no umbrella!) and got picked up by the lovely Laura. Off we went into Brighton to meet up with some other lovely bloggers for an event at the Trevor Sorbie salon.Me and Laura were a tad early so after a quick look in Boots (The BarryM stand had been stripped so hopefully the new polishes were going in!) we started to make our way down to the salon but as we were still early we sat in Starbucks for a little chat. After a little bit we made our way into the salon and was greeted by Lisa & Clare and were offered a drink. We both went for a cheeky white wine.Soon enough the rest of the girls turned up and we were treated to two demonstrations of some catwalk hair that both Anna and Fergal had worked on during London and Paris fashion week.

After a little chat we were treated to the chance to have our hair done. We were asked if we wanted to bring pictures along of any catwalk hair styles we liked and maybe wanted to recreate. I chose a picture I found of Cara Delevingne with a kind of soft beehive with loose waves.

I had the pleasure of Fergal completing this look on me and boy did he do a good job.

I absolutely love it and only wish I was this creative with my own hair at home although Fergal did talk me through it and give me a few hints and tips so I may try and recreate this at home at some point!

I had an amazing night and we were even given a little goody bag on our exit which I'll post about another time as this is already quite a lengthy post! And even more generous we have been offered a free colour, cut and blowdry! I was so shocked when we found out as I am not a natural blonde so am in desperate need to get my roots done!
If you live in or near the Brighton area I definitely recommend popping into the salon. It's such a relaxed environment, that mixed with the amazing friendly staff is sure to make for an enjoyable time at the hairdressers!Instagram / Twitter / Bloglovin'