Sexual sadists are the freaks that the Cultural Left loves so much in its love affair with hardcore BD/SM sex, which in its hardcore form I prefer to call Torture Sex because that’s what it is. The hardcore stuff, especially 24/7 total control scenarios that a lot of people get into, are really sick. There are many sadistic men into this scene who keep women as slaves, sometimes more than one. The women love being slaves and they get off on being treated like garbage, which is exactly how they are treated.
The men are called Doms or Daddies. The women describe themselves in debasing terms, calling themselves ugly, stupid, fat, worthless, garbage, animals, dumb, useless, etc. This is how these women literally describe themselves because that is exactly how low their self-esteem is. The Doms of course encourage this time of thinking. The male Dom/female Sub scene is fanatically misogynistic. Men are praised as the superior or only capable gender and women derided as inferior, worthless, useless, garbage, incompetent, failures, etc. It’s the sort of sexism that feminists have been railing against for years, yet here is a whole groovy sex culture that revels in this stuff.
There is another culture with Female Dominatrixes and male slaves and boy do they treat those slaves like crap. This is where a lot of your Internet scat videos come in.
If you have read this far, you can see that these sexual deviants are anything but healthy and that this culture violates many feminist principles, reveling in male superiority, female inferiority, misogyny, female self-hatred, and male sadism and mental and physical abuse of women. Of course the feminists hate all of these things, but if you put them all together into a seven course meal and call it a sexual subculture, then it’s all well and groovy and we all need to take up this sicko deviant stuff tomorrow lest we miss out on the latest and greatest sex fad.
This shows you that the Cultural Left, like Marx’s capitalism, contains the seeds of its own destruction sown right into the very matrix of the system.
Feminists of course despise misogyny, male sexism and superiority, female self-hatred, and the psychological and physical abuse of women by men – to be opposed to these things is a core feminist principle.
However, there is a problem here, and that is that feminism is allied with the GLBTIABCXYZ sexual and gender freako culture. Gay men are very much into SM/BD, and its more common than you think among lesbians. Perhaps there is something about homosexuality, male and female, which makes a human perverse and deviant.
Because SM/BD is this glorious gay male thing, the feminists have had to cheer for it even though it goes against every one of their principles because of their alliance with gay men.
The Cultural Left is riven with these contradictions from top to bottom and this is one of the biggest problems in sustaining this freakshow – the fact that cognitive dissonance, contradiction, hypocrisy and rank irrationality are baked right into the crazy Cultural Left Rube Goldberg contraption from the start.