Health Magazine

Today is Arm Day

Posted on the 05 April 2016 by Dave Nevue

Baby A continues to sleep all night and we are so blessed. If only this could last...

Strangely he has been napping for almost three hours now. Should I wake him up?? I really don't want to since I am able to get some work done while he is sleeping, but I guess we will have to pay for this never ending nap tonight.

I went to the gym today and focused on my arms, since they have been neglected for a couple of weeks. I was weaker than usual. And I felt bloated and tired. It's that time of the month again. And the PMS-monster has returned. I can't stand this. I need to find a remedy against this PMS that not only strikes once a month, but twice!! Any tips??

I also did a 20 minutes incline power walk on the treadmill and worked up a sweat. I can definitely feel it in my glutes now. Great feeling by the way!

//Nicole Hellgren

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