Athletics Magazine

TMI: The Glove

By Brisdon @shutuprun

On yesterday's 19 mile long run, I had a wardrobe malfunction.

On a side note: what I love about runners is that we know how to improvise when the going gets tough. We work with what we have. For example, no toilet paper? Perhaps the runner uses an old Kleenex, a GU wrapper (ouch) or even a soft leaf from a nearby maple tree.

First a confession. I do not wear underwear with my running tights. Not sure why. It’s not like I care that other runners will see my panty lines. I guess I am just a minimalist this way. Yesterday, I was trying a new pair of tights. Just like it’s not the best idea to do new things on race day, it is not the best idea to do new things on a 19 mile long run.

By mile 10 there was some major discomfort going on with the tights. Without getting too graphic, let’s just say it involved misplaced seams + constant movement + delicate skin.

I had reached just over half way and I knew there was no way I could run 9 more miles like this. I had to shut up and get creative and I had to do it quickly. I had to work with what I had, which was 2 water bottles, some GUs, a phone, lip balm, my jacket and…my gloves.

The glove saved the day. It provided the perfect buffer and padding to get me through the next 9 miles. While I would not normally want to run with a glove in my crotch, it was the lesser of two evils.


Call me gross, but you would have done the same thing. I just know it.

Do you wear underwear when you run? Not before yesterday. Never with shorts.

Ever had  an extremely bad chafing situation while running? Why, yes! At a half marathon a couple of years ago I had SUCH a bad situation going on. At the end I had to wear my race t-shirt as pants for the 2 hour ride home. The shower afterwards had me wailing like a toddler in Target.



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