Life Coach Magazine

Tips To Help Your Dog Feel Less Alone While You’re At Work

By Bidsbypros @bidsbypros

my dog

Unless you’re independently wealthy, going to work is a necessity. If you have a dog at home, going to work means leaving your dog behind for the duration of your work hours and commute. While your dog may enjoy the peace and quiet while you’re at work, they may also become bored and lonely, which could turn into misbehaving.

Instead of forcing your dog to spend their days alone, there are a few things you can do to make them less lonely.

Leave the television or radio on.

Before you head out the door, leave the television or radio on for your dog to enjoy while you’re gone. Your dog may enjoy looking at the television, even though they may not understand what is going on. Or, they may simply enjoy hearing the sound of voices to make them feel as if they’re not so lonely.

Hire a dog walker or pet sitter.

You could also ensure your dog is not lonely by hiring a dog walker or pet sitter to come to your house. A dog walker can come to your house once or twice a day and take your dog for a short walk, which will make them happy to have company and also allow them to use the bathroom. A pet sitter could come and sit with your dog for the entire duration of your workday to ensure that they have someone around to play with and let him or her in and out to use the bathroom.

Post your need for a dog sitter at

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Get another pet.

Providing your dog with a companion is a great way to ensure that they’re not lonely. You could opt to get another dog, or you could get another pet, such as a cat. Before leaving your pets alone with one another, though, you’ll want to make sure that you give your dog and the new pet some time to get along. Plus, you may want to test out how they behave with one another for a shorter period of time before leaving them alone while you’re at work. This way, you can make sure that they won’t fight or play too hard.

The first day you leave them alone, you may want to confine them to one room in your house (making sure to pick up anything they could chew or destroy) or have someone go to your house to check on them throughout the day.

Send them to doggy daycare.

Doggy daycare centers have become more popular over the years, and if you don’t want your dog to be lonely while you’re at work, you should consider sending them to daycare everyday. Depending on the daycare, your dog would have access to toys, outdoor areas and other animals to play with, which can not only keep them happy and entertained all day, but could also help to get them plenty of exercise.

The cost of doggy daycare vary from place to place, so you’ll want to take some time and shop around before deciding on the right place for your pooch.

Written by Jennifer Haynie

Shared By Don Zilleri

Bids By Pros moderator

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