Athletics Magazine

Tip for Tuesday

By Brisdon @shutuprun

Every time I go to the bathroom I remember how I wanted to share the greatest tip in the world with you all. If you are a male, you can keep reading, but this probably isn’t going to apply to you unless you pee sitting down.

By the way, not too long ago I learned that it is not that unusual for men to pee sitting down. This was news to me. I wrote about it HERE.

So, onto the tip. You are going to thank me for this one.

Have you ever had the experience (and I know you have) of going to the start of a race, waiting in the porta potty line, peeing, coming out of the porta potty, and then seven minutes later you feel like you have to pee again? It could be nerves or it could be that you just didn’t empty your bladder completely. Same goes for peeing before bed. You go last thing before climbing into the warmth of your bed, only to find you need to go again. I can help solve this problem.


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Tip for emptying your bladder completely (from Seek Wellness):

When you are sitting on the toilet seat and are done peeing, lean forward so that your stomach is almost lying on your legs. You will be amazed to find that by doing this, you can get that last bit of urine out. If it doesn’t work, try standing up, then sit down and lean forward again. Try it, it really works, or it does for me. I have to admit I have not tried this while squatting over a toilet seat, although it might just work. This squat/lean thing could be a good workout for your quads. Kills two birds with one stone.

Don’t get me wrong. I don’t have a problem peeing, but sometimes there is that last little bit that lingers. If I am going to go to the bathroom I want to get the most bang for my buck.

And, while we’re on the subject of pee, you might think you know everything about urination, but you do not. This is a challenge. Go take this quiz. I got so many wrong and here I thought I was pee-literate. . I only got 8/16 correct. Clearly I need to go back and get my BP (Bachelors of Piss). How many did you get right?

Got a tip to share? Doesn’t have to be running related, just anything you think the rest of us need to know. Example: Never trust a fart.


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