Three short letters by a bereaved father.
The first, he wrote to our son after he had done the worst thing a child could do and ended his life.
“Dear Doron,
Of course we miss you terribly. But, we are relieved that you have found eternal peace. You bore your suffering bravely and you did all you could to continue living. But, when you realized that your suffering had to end, you took the only way out. I love you and want you to know that both your mother and I forgive you for taking our son away from us.״
Your father.”
״Dear Doctors,
“I thank you for all you tried to do for my son. Hopefully, in time, human knowledge will progress to a position where seriously ill psychiatric patients will be able to be helped. Unfortunately you failed to give me or my son the feeling that you were realty trying. Such a feeling would have alleviated his suffering and may have helped the multiple medications you prescribed the possibility of doing what they were supposed to do.”
Doron’s bereaved father.
“I fell that you could have fulfilled your duties with more compassion bearing in mind that you were dealing with a heartbroken, bereaved family. Sadly, we found that similar observations made by other bereaved families were justified.”
A bereaved parent.