Fashion Magazine

This & That

By Fashionlushxx @fashionlushxx


+ Bitzy with her sexy summer cut, posing for the cam… naturally. She needs a blog. +

Hope you all had a relaxing and rejuvenating weekend…

…cause Monday is here, and it’s time to buckle down for another stressful work week. Atleast for me it will be. My plate has been overloaded lately, and although two days of relaxing is nice, it’s never enough. Not enough days in the week and hours in the day, if you ask me. I always tell my boyfriend I have to have my ducks in a row before I do anything else. Right this moment, my ducks are all over the place, and as hard as I try, they just won’t get in a damn row. Stupid ducks.

So yea, this week is all about wrangling in those annoying & rude ducks so that I can find my sanity once again. Wish me luck, I’m gonna need it.


+ Touring the uber cool Edison Leather studio/HQ’s. They have the coolest leather goods. I can’t wait to show you all my custom Edison wallet I designed!! +


+ My roommate’s always crafting up the prettiest succulent compositions. +


+ Big thanks to Caseable for the coolest iPad cover ever made. Be sure to check them out, you can customize just about any electronics case to your liking. So fun.  +


+ I am dying. dead. done over my new nail swag. Although I must say, typing isn’t easy. I have got to get used to the talons. +


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