Fashion Magazine

This & That

By Fashionlushxx @fashionlushxx


+ Teeny tiny voo-doo dolls, the official Blog-Doo mascot. +

Does anyone else notice that as you get older, the whole summer season pretty much disappears?

When you’re in school, the day that last bell rings before summer is like hearing freaking angels sing. You can’t get out of that stuffy classroom faster. You immediately throw your binder in the trash (atleast I did), and head straight to the beach.

Fast forward 10 years later, & the only hint that summer has started is getting into your car after work and burning the back of your legs on your hot leather car seats. Not cool.

It’s a shitty feeling knowing that you can’t truly enjoy the sunny days while sitting behind a desk. Even if high school/grade school/college sucked and you hated it, you can’t deny that having 3 months (mostly) free to work on your tan & completely lose track of all time whatsoever wasn’t the most effing amazing thing ever.

I miss those summers in a bad bad way. YET, being the glass-half-full person I try to be, I do my best to look on the bright side.

Even if I spend my nights watching movies rather than drinking like a fish till the wee hours, won’t leave the house without SPF 500 instead of tanning oil, and day drinking now means hydrating with h20 instead of tall boys- I still try to make sure every weekend is as “summery” as the old days (sans the epic hangovers & summer school– that, I really don’t miss).

Seriously though… get outdoors and soak up that vitamin D, aka ‘The Happy Vitamin’, any chance you get. It will do you a world of good.


+ Bitzy’s new favorite pastime: chasing birds [only] while being held. Diva dog. +


+ Vintage ornate silver jewelry box gem that I scored at the thrift store. +


+ Ocean Beach… keeping the sixties alive. + 


+ & we all pretty much ended the weekend posted up infront of a fan eating Otter Pops. + 

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